MaoxDai Fic: Youkoso Chapter 1

Feb 13, 2012 00:25

Title: Youkoso!
Series: Takumi-Kun Series/The Cast
Pairing: MaoxDai-kun, MaoxOC, DaixOC
Rating: 15+
Synopsis: They’re hosts at a host club! ^_^
Ownage: I don’t own them but the original idea/imagination comes from me and MaoMaoChan ^_^
Other: ENJOY! =D

“Ne ne can we take a picture?”
“Of course, anything for my favourite”
“Awww Hidoi yo! I thought I was your favourite!”
“No I thought I was!”
“Can’t you all be my favourite?” asked a cutely toned voice, that was surrounded by 5 girls all laying hands on the voice’s figure.
The voice’s face saddened and turned into a puppy look.
“Aww Mo! We can’t be mad at you forever! Of course we’ll all be your favourite!”
“Yatta! Jaa let’s get a big picture together and then individual ones!” expressed the voice happily. The girls gathered around the voice and posed in front a picture. The voice gave a wide smile.

The voice matched the person’s appearance perfectly. He was tall, slim, a face far younger than his years of 21 and had a smile that stopped anyone in their tracks of being miserable. The name of the voice of the person it belonged to was Mao, or as normally referred by his Host name, Takumi.

“Kyaa Takumi-kun you always look so cute! What is your secret?!”
“My secret? … All you being here to cuddle me of course!”

As this was going on, there was someone over at the other side of Host Club, closely watching from the dark smokey mist. His eyes took in every detail Takumi made from across the room. Every smile, every word, every twitch of the hand. He kept a close watch on him with peeled eyes.

“Ne, will you not accompany me tonight?” whispered a female voice into the host’s ear. The host turned to face her.
“I wish I could but I have something I must do in the morning. Suma” he pulled the girls chin close to him, “will you not forgive me?”
“…of course... Gii.”
“Thank you. Now if you just excuse me for a moment,” he stood up.
“Where are you going?” the woman wined helplessly.
“Just to the bathroom,” he turned to her, “am I not allowed?”
The girl blushed, “I love it when you speak so coldly to me! Be back quick okay!”
“Kashikowarimashita.” He left immediately and went into the back.

“Doing pretty well with your girl tonight aren’t you?” said one of the hosts getting out of the bathroom.
“Are you okay?”
“Just had a bit too much to drink. I’ll be fine in a second… maybe not” the man ran back into the bathroom. Gii, or his real name Daisuke, would now have to disappoint the girl in being quick, now that someone had gotten themselves sick off alcohol. Daisuke stood there waiting patiently. He looked around and as he did a certain someone, who was making their way to the cloak room, caught his eye. He immediately went after the figure.

The figure went over to a suede black coat and pulled out their phone (the none work phone) and checked it.
“No luck yet?” asked Daisuke. This gave the figure a jump.
“You scared me then Dai-kun. Don’t do that! … and no… no luck yet.”
“I see…” Daisuke looked around the room. He’d started a lame conversation and wanted to get to the point of why he was there. He waited until the figure had put their phone back into their coat before pulling their arm and dragging them behind a large and long black curtain.

“What are you doing?” exclaimed the figure. Daisuke put a hand around the figures mouth to quieten him.
“Were you having fun out there as a bunch of girls drapped themselves over you. You know how vulnerable you are Hamao. You can take everything lightly.”
“What’s with this all of a sudden.”
“I’m trying to look after you.”
“Well I’ve been here long enough don’t you think?”
“Not longer enough to get rid of your emotions when you’re on the job. It may seem like they want you now but one day one of them will leave, then another, then another and you’ll have a new set of girls that fondle over you and it’ll just happen again and again.”
“Dai-kun I’m fine I-”
“It’s part of your job as a Host to not be emotional while working.”
“… Dai-kun… you’re acting… jealous…. You’re acting like… you still like me… just like you did when I began 8months ago…”
“…” Daisuke paused for a moment, “…well maybe I can’t stop liking you.”

Immediately he clashed his lips against Hamao’s, who responded just as roughly and clinging onto the elder’s clothes tightly. Daisuke moved his hands and began to caress Hamao’s cheek. Hamao let out a moan and gripped even harder onto the clothing.
Few moments passed and they stopped looking at each other.

“I don’t want you getting hurt,” said Daisuke, looking at him seriously.

A figure appeared from behind the bar “A! Takumi, Gii, just who I was looking for!” They both quickly straightened themselves out and looked at the boy, “we got newcomers. Come show them the ropes?”

“Okay,” they said at the same time following. The boy lead them to the entrance of the Host Club.
“Takumi, Gii. Meet Mizu and Tensou who’ll be starting this evening.”
“Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu,” the two said at the same time.
“Kochirakoso, Yoroshiku” replied Daisuke.


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+ Enjoy!
+ Want more?

baba ryoma, fanfiction, watanabe daisuke, hamao kyousuke

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