Well-meaning, but socially awkward, Sawako Kuronuma (
Mikako Tabe) is nicknamed "Sadako" by her classmates because of her similar hair cut with the main character from the horror movie "Ringu". Her life then takes a turn when Shota Kazehaya (
Haruma Miura), the most popular boy in school, falls for her ...
I was set against watching this after seeing Miura Haruma in Taisetsu earlier this year -- which he annoyed the hell out of me in! But I finally got around to watching it because there's a manip of the (DVD?) Cover of it being Miura and Sato Takeru xDD So yeah strange how I decided to watch it xDD Anyways...
Christmas/Classical music?! o_O <33
Is that....
*searches* It is him! xD It's Masanobu Katsumura! xD
Her smile is SO beautiful <33
Awww Ryu waited for her on the hill
This film has so many layers and copes with SO many things that happen in life
The dad was hilarious imo xDD
Such a good film! xDD
Characters: 5/5 Amazing
Music: 5/5 Really good
Story: 4/5 Not what I expected
ReWatch? Yessums! xD