yeah.... only new pr i like is RPM! cause it had is onw story and was soo happy when i heard pr was cancelled then was like oh no.. i was excited for the cast first episode skipped through ... complete screenshots to episode 3 of shinkenger.... mind you theres one good thing about samurai and thats me getting people into shinkenger with my vids when my youtubers watch samurai its like drop that watch this !!!HAHA! serously right i have seen two shots of shinkenger cast in samurai .... one i saw takeru's chest and in the episode 9 of shinkenger in samurai... cause it airs in the uk... i saw mako chiaki and kotoha when ryuunosuke attacks, on the samurai show , there not just soo lazy about the script they are crap editor !! i was on tumblr posting all ngiht ranting wheneva someone siad shinkenger aka power rangers samurai .. I WAS LIKE NO IT IS NOT ! and omg
someone on tumblr said they liked the samurai cast more then the shinkenger cast and said like the shinkenger cast were fake and not as enjoyable am thinking...wth samurai's are fake shinkenger are family! still meet up today ! tori and aiba being a drama together am not surpriced i will see tori in aiba's entry tomorrow , samurai is just ahhhh!
yeah you know when takeru is training in episode 5 well , the editor on samurai are that crap i saw takeru's blue hakama trianing uniform and abit of takeru's chest and in episode 9 of shinkenger ( in whateva episode samurai was on , when red uses his flame to get the other to safety when they hit the ground you see mako chiaki and kotoha because chiaki is wearing a white and red jacket and whateva green samurai person is wearing a black and you knwo what made me laugh the one playing gold said they never seen shinkenger......... HA I JUST WANNNA !!>...... anyway on a nicer note have u seen the shinkenger sh figuarts :)!
The American Guy said he'd never seen Shinkenger? Well be honest, I bet none of the American actors have actually see SS -__- If they have/had then damn they better have done a good job in PR then.
someone on tumblr said they liked the samurai cast more then the shinkenger cast and said like the shinkenger cast were fake and not as enjoyable am thinking...wth samurai's are fake shinkenger are family! still meet up today ! tori and aiba being a drama together am not surpriced i will see tori in aiba's entry tomorrow , samurai is just ahhhh!
wait seriously? i wanna see mako, chiaki, and kotoha!
um i am going to KILL that person.
shinkenger cast was wayyyyyyyyyyy better than PR samurai's cast.
Me to no one insults my favourite cast !
urgh the guy who played gold said he never watched shinkenger?
im going to murder him. grrrrrrr.
not even a millionth of the epic greatness of genta~
Well be honest, I bet none of the American actors have actually see SS -__-
If they have/had then damn they better have done a good job in PR then.
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