Feb 14, 2010 19:53
just seen ponyo, miss having fish now.
did have two dead fish in the pond of the new house but theyve disappeared now:S didnt get a chance to even name them, oh well lol
finally managed to escape from the farce that was Barnfield West Academy:)
new place is so relaxed, no ones panicking about being 100% perfect at the risk of peoples health. No being ridiculed and humiliated just because your not a yes man, no messing around with contracts or not caring about your rights just because your seen as one of the minions (think making us shovel snow for 4 hours straight without offering a tea break inbetween was a bit much :P).
Feeling alot more healthier without the stress aswell.
Even feeling more creative aswell, have a lot of creative projects keep meaning to catch up with, might even get round to even learning the guitar properly ....
has led to the idea of creating a blues band called 'one eyed kermit'
this is generally because there is a stuffed kermit toy in the foundation class that has had his eye ripped out:S
yay for stress freeness :)
ps happy chinese new year