Dream post

Apr 07, 2009 22:35

I blame the Red Bull (again! It tasted good--I like tart things--but I don't know if I'll be drinking very many more cans of it) for this one. Only partial, because it was the jumbled-up kind, and I only remember a certain part in detail.

There was a green snake--like a tree snake--in a cage. I mean the kind with bars, not a glass terrarium like you would normally keep snakes in. The snake was pretty small, and bright green. It kept slithering out of the cage, and I had to keep grabbing it by its tail and throwing it back into the cage, only to have it slither out again, lather, rinse, repeat. The third or fourth time I grabbed the snake, it bit me on the left index finger. Someone had told me the snake was venomous, but it didn't seem to have sunk its fangs into me. Upon closer inspection and squeezing my finger, however, there was a little blood. Someone--I don't know if it was the same person--also told me that I wouldn't die if something got into the bite. I started to blow on it, and the blood started to glow, like embers of a dying fire when you blow on them. I think some dirt got into the bite and then I thought "well, I won't die now." I don't remember what happened after that. Something to do with American Idol, but I can't remember details.


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