Feb 09, 2009 00:07
- 03:23 @ addictedtotext Oh crap I COMPLETELY spaced it! Arrgh! I'll have to check to see when it's on next... sigh. #
- 03:29 @ addictedtotext Hm, looks like it won't be on again anytime soon, but I think I can watch it online on pbs.org. #
- 13:31 Current earworm: "And they placed an ingot in her breast to burn cool and collected." Just that line. #
- 16:16 Went to Crystal Ballroom just now to get Spoon tickets, but the box office was closed. #
- 17:36 CD purchases: TMBG, TV On The Radio, Jamie Lidell, and Young Knives #
- 20:11 Son of a bitch, I never knew until just now that I can buy tix inside Ringler's Pub for shows @ the Crystal if the box office is closed. :( #
- 20:12 this is what I get for not checking danceonair.com BEFORE making the trip. #
- 20:20 Got two books @ Powell's - Matt Taibbi's The Great Derangement and L.M. Montgomery's The Golden Road. Nothing @ Buffalo Exchange this time. #
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