
Feb 04, 2009 17:10

(Okay, for some reason I can't paste stuff into my LJ. Ctrl-V doesn't work and right-clicking doesn't work either. Is this happening for anyone else? Now I have to type this all out again. Grarr. I can paste to anywhere else, but not here! This is really pissing me off. Also, it won't let me type two spaces after the ends of sentences! I can type one, but the other one won't register. Also, can't move the cursor with the arrow keys.

EDIT: okay, it seems to be working again now. Dunno why it wouldn't let me paste or do that other stuff before.)

Anyway, the other night I had a dream that I had accidentally gotten some mail meant for a guy who lived on the street adjacent to mine. I walked to his house and knocked on the door, but nobody answered so I turned to go back home when I saw the man who lived in the house walking up the steps (there was a pretty long staircase actually) to the house. He tripped over one of the steps, and I had forgotten my cell phone at home so I couldn't call for help, but he got up again after a few moments. I told him I had gotten his mail and he took it, and his wife was there (she was short and pudgy and had shoulder-length blonde hair) and I guess his son, as well, who looked to be in his early- to mid-20s and looked an awful lot like Demetri Martin, except he had a really deep voice. The man and his family invited me in for coffee. I declined, saying that I had left my cell phone at home so I wouldn't be able to call anyone if anything happened. Deep-Voiced Demetri convinced me to come in and have "just a small cup of coffee". Finally I agreed, "but only a small cup", as I'm not very fond of coffee (not so much the taste, but it makes me super-jittery). I was in their kitchen and Deep-Voiced Demetri was mixing up coffee and other stuff in what looked like a baby-food jar with a handle, but I woke up before I could drink it.

livejournal, dreams, wtf

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