
Feb 27, 2014 16:54

Newer forms of spirituality based on recent inspiration/revelation can be legitimate. They have the disadvantage of being less tested, perhaps, but they also come without the complications and baggage of history and long associations. They may not necessarily need to contrast particularly or contradict more established forms of belief and practice.

I am open to receiving all things that are new and helpful, as long as they can conform to some basic ethical principals.

I am becoming more and more aware of the fundamental spiritual ontology underlying my experience of existence.

Shabistari says the following:

Only yesterday you bound yourself to service,
A promise you're unaware of through forgetfulness

Sacred scriptures have been revealed
So that you might remember your promise.

Gulshan-i Raz, 420-421

And I am more and more sure that he is right, that the primary reality is what he refers to, the Koranic 'bala shahidina' in which the souls of humanity came into being and witnessed to their Lord. Fundamental to what we are doing here is the witnessing of that truth in form, in matter. These varied scriptures are really ultimately pointing to that. In saying that, I mean that we tend to overemphasize them and make them the goal, instead of the path. I am fundamentally not in favor of that, as it is really a going to sleep and a form of what is sometimes called 'idolatry', regardless of the particular tradition and their relationship to figures.

I keep being told, reminded, called to working more in service as a healer. Years ago, before I was going very far into scholarship, people who I didnt know at all or didn't know well were also telling me in the strangest way that my future would be in my writing. Now suddenly, similar things are happening in which I am sort of being called to renewing and restarting the practice of offering healing for people who need it. I have already been doing that, so obviously the time is coming to go further in that direction than I have. I am not sure what that will mean. I am not the New Age type who would drop everything to follow my bliss into a new job, but what does it mean?

Oh and one other thing has become clear to me: I don't need so obsessively focused on finding the perfectly right fit, when it comes to a new job and potential new places. Instead I am focusing on an over all sense of rightness, even if it means circumstances that might make me fear being overworked or going to places that don't appeal to me. I am sure clarity is dawning. But I do still have to tweek my approach.

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