Apr 11, 2012 23:27
I am going to start kicking serious ass if one more person in the hierarchy obsessed east mediterranean (and god help me we are talking mostly academics, so I am sure Om Kali Ma understands) tries to inform me about something I surely don't know, or looks at me like I am an idiot while I speak to them and/or asks me to clarify in a condescending way that makes obvious they think I am an idiot. Better yet, they are usually shocked that I do know anything, particularly if its about their culture and particularly if they are, ahem, Greeks (sorry I said it) and begin to undermine me psychologically because they are threatened.
So, from here on I will either A-decide I am not interested in you or what you ahve to say and make sure you notice or B- I will let you know I find you condescending. Thats because I actually like you otherwise and would hate to let you be such an asshole that you might mess that up.
peace out.