Oct 09, 2009 09:28
Chemistry: I wonder when I will hit the point when I find this stuff hard? I love Chemistry. It's so ridiculously common sense. It just...clicks right away. Granted I have a vast base knowledge built up, but you know those rumors about O Chem being sooo hard. I look over the syllabus and see half known material half new but not so frightening material.
Plant Pathology: So awesome. Who knew plant disease could be so much fun!!! *Squee* Cankers and galls are my favorite so far. Esp the cankers. Those guys are sooo coool. It's like a scab, but on a TREE! The mildews and blights and etc are kind of blah until you get to the microscopic workings of the fungi and see that it's pretty much the same as the fungi with larger fruiting bodies. Zoospores exploding out of the sporangium are really fun to watch! And it's interesting how the "female" structure penetrates the "male" structure in Oomycetes. Usually in biology we define the male/female by eggs and others (sperm-like meiotic cells). But it's usually male penetrating female in some form. So to find a counter is interesting.
Physics: Ooof. I fail. So badly. I cannot seem to wrap my brain around this type of thinking. Think Math story problems. Yeah that basically what Physics is. I get the basic function, but lack in the execution. With the easier problems I find that I enjoy it so much. It's like a detective game with numbers and equations. You have these, but want this. To get this you need this. With all the known you CAN get this. But how to break the problem apart is where my understanding fails. As in three pieces of the puzzle or two. I guess it will come with more exposure and practice. I hope anyways or I'm going to have to change my goal in life. Scott is proving an amazing help here. And he said it's fun!!! Oooo smart boys make me drool so much. Sexy physics brain. Too bad mine won't turn on :p I'm probably being harder on myself than I should. I just feel like I am reaching grasping in the dark. For the first time in my education experience I feel challenged. I don't know this, I have to LEARN. And it's not JUST memorizing fancy terms for common sense. It's not just what you would guess thinking about it long enough (which is my experience with biology/botany). It's work. It's wrapping your brain around a completely new way of thinking. A way I am not used to at all. Learn my logical brain, learn. Turn of that playful right side and get down to work.
Edit: I just realized why it's so complicated for me to get my head on straight with Physics. You have to use the right/left side equally for this type of thinking. You have to visualize the scenario in order to break it apart into chunks. Than you analyze the chunks to find the equations and do the detective Math work. I'm used to Math (which is purely analyzing numbers) and I'm used to art (which is all visualization) but putting the two together in perfect harmony (proportions in art) I am terrible at! So it makes sense I am not go great at this, but how to get better so that my understanding of the universe is ultimately enhanced....???? I have reached a new understanding and appreciation for science at this precise moment.