I want to start Manifesting Monday here in
mystic_temple because it is a wonderful way to tell life & universe & our subconscious minds what we are willing to manifest into our lives. And it really works. I used to participate in Manifesting Monday in
mystic_cafe for a couple of years and it was such a great help for me in graduating from the university, finding a new home and creating all kinds of abundance. Now that the
mystic_cafe seems to be dead and gone I'd like to do the weekly manifesting here.
The idea is simple: Write a comment about all the things you wish to manifest into your life. The trick is to write them with gratitude and positivity as if you already had them in your life. The mind starts to create them and help you to find the possibilities and opportunities to start manifesting them into this reality as well. It may happen quickly or it may take a bit of time depending on your intention, circumstances and the clarity of the image of the thing you want to achieve.
It would also be wonderful to hear your stories about manifesting your wishes into reality. :)
Have fun and may your dreams come true!