The pill with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle.

May 25, 2007 19:22

Life. The Universe. Everything. Mmyup.

I'm close to moving in. Oh so close. And yet, arise obstacles. I'm dealing with that same sort of stupid crap no college student wants to admit we deal with for fear people will doubt our independence and blah blah blah.

Here's my condition: I was offered and given free reign of the van while the family was on the west coast, May 8-20. I was also told I would have use of said automobile during the camp session, June 10-August 16ish. Admittedly, there's a span of time between those greater than 48 hours, but I was not expecting paternal backlash for retaining use of the van for a few days.

Despite having an all-clear on the "move in" front from the landlord, upon mentioning my tentative game plan to the parental units, Ed commented that "I don't need to be at camp for a few weeks, though." When I clarified that I was intending to move stuff into my house, he expressed being "disappointed" that the van had been in EC and told me "they" (more or less meaning "he") expected the van to be home and available. He went so far as to say that the van should only be used to go drop off stuff in Eau Claire, if at all, and then be returned to Winowhere.

Them's the breaks, and as much as college students like to pretend we're out from our parents' thumbs, we never quite are all the way.

You know the best part about this? None of this would even be a concern if Andy weren't being a useless mooching lump in the basement. Despite his now being a college graduate, he inexplicably appears to have NO plans of getting on with his life or possibly of ever even moving out of my parents' house. If he weren't such a fuckup, chances are pretty good I wouldn't be having this trouble. But hey. There I go blaming someone else for my situation. I should really stop that.

Ajax, my swollen rabbit.
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