May 06, 2014 14:32
What is so hard for people to understand about the word no? Is it the mother flippin' n or is it the mother flippin' o?? I am not interested in dating anyone that I work with ever again. I already shit where I slept and even three weeks later there are days filled with angst and tension from my side as well as his. It's getting better - slowly.
But, just because I'm single doesn't mean that you can just try to swoop in and pick up pieces that you think are still lying on the floor. My heart isn't going to break at the end of a three month relationship... it just gets a huge gash in it and bleeds until I decide to stitch that sucker back up. It's stitched but I still have to change the dressings on it to keep it from getting infected. Metaphorically of course.
Pretty damn frustrating if you ask me. Yeesh!
I mean it would be one thing if it was Corey realizing that he fucked up and made a mistake but no... it's someone that I deem to be a friend - an employee. Someone that I open up to and talk to about lots of things. He asked me right infront of my best friend yesterday after lunch if I would be his girlfriend and I'm just like wtf. No! Not gonna happen. Then he asks why and if he can put a bid in on me when I feel that I'm ready to move on... W-T-F? I'm not a fucking auction at an auction house.
I think I need to just crawl under a rock and disappear for a while...