I am an odd duck..

May 22, 2008 18:34

I don't vote in the presidental election.. but I will vote in the LJ Advisory Board election.

Right now they are voting for the user representative.. if you want to see whose nominated and cast your vote.. go here.. lj_election_en

Once again.. there is alot of wank going on in the SPN fandom. And once again.. I am ignoring it all. I don't understand people who bitch and moan about how much they hate a show and it's characters. If they hate it so much.. why are they even watching?
My only explaination is that they are the kind of people who only look for the bad.. refuse to enjoy the good. They are the kind of people who are happier when they have something to bitch about.
I choose not to be around those kinds of people. For my own sanity. You can not reason with them.. they do not want to hear your arguements.. because they ENJOY the bitching and don't want to change their minds. There is no middle ground with them. No agreeing to disagree. No understanding that not everyone feels the same way.. and not everyone shares their opinion. They are right and everyone else is wrong.
I gave to deal with that kind of crap from my Dad. I will not let in to upset my enjoyment of my fandom.

fandom wank, lj drama, fandom

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