That's what I was going to say!

Mar 16, 2008 21:30

LOL! No.. actually.. I was thinking somthing along these lines..

What I find really amusing ...
... about SUP's censoring of LJ interests is that it doesn't actually eliminate discussion of any of the topics or fanfiction or talk about boys making out, it just hides it from public consumption.

Which is great, because when advertisers and new customers sign up, it'll be a lot like showing up at a family-friendly chain restaurant -- you know, the kind with old board games and metal lunch boxes with old TV show pictures on the front -- ordering your fancy cheeseburger, and getting comfortable. And then when Mom gets up to run to the bathroom, she takes a wrong turn in the back and stumbled onto a big gay orgy with ten naked college boys, two teenage girls in Japanese school uniforms, a monkey, a guy in a furry costume, something with tentacles, a pregnant Captain Jack Harkness, three gimps in full leather attire, a rack, seven pink dildos, a barrel full of lube, and the Scissors Sisters playing on the stereo.

Which means that either Mom goes back to the management and demands their money back, or she takes one look at the scene in question and says, "Hey, is that cherry-flavored lube? I love cherry-flavored lube! Hold on, I'll go get my husband! And maybe Grandma!"

That was by trollprincess over at metaquotes

fandom wank, lj drama

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