First.. Two meta recs about SPN 4x18..
These were REALLY GOOD. They revealed a few things I had no idea about so I am glad I read them.
I am still surprised over some fans reactions over the shout outs to fandom in the episode.
Some were absolutely disgusted and insulted...some hated it so much they are refusing to ever watch the show again. They even made it onto Fandom_Wank!! And I have to say that I think these people are WAY too sensitive.
Anyone who feels that way should definitely read these two metas. And even if you don't.. like I said.. they are still really good!!
The most enlightening one is about what I like to call..
Fandom on TWOP compared to LJ.
A couple quotes...
For those that do not post on Television Without Pity or have never really heard of it. The website was built on the motto: Spare the snark, spoil the network. Kripke's been quoted as lurking on the boards as early as Season 1. The message boards on the website are designed to mock shows.
The website Dean pulls up is the same color scheme as TWOP and simpatico is a very vocal love-to-hate poster on it. Barnes is the name of the forum moderator. (The forum refers to the character on the show as Show!Barnes.) This was the fandom set up and chosen to take the piss out of.
Like I said - Kripke and the other writers knew exactly what they were doing - they deliberately made sure TWOP was identified as much as a CW show could identify a website run by Bravo. And then they snarked.
So if that vaguely squicky feeling has been worrying you - rest assured. It wasn't your section of fandom they were snarking on. It was just family being mercilessly teasing with one another.
The other meta is great as well cause it talks about
Why Fandom/Show is my newest ship! Yes evidence that Kripke mocks what he loves!!! Personally I took all the fandom meta in the episode as Kripke saying "Hey suck on this other shows! I have a tattooed, cult underground fandom that writes gay incest porn! How cool is that!" Mentioning slash in prime time is of itself transgressive, showing that Kripke likes being a bit on the edge.
I'd also like to rec
new J2 fanvid!!!
I must have watched this a million times by now and it always gets my squee going! It's got everything we love about the boys and how much they love eachother! PERFECT!!
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