(no subject)

Dec 09, 2009 18:17

10 years ago:
1. I was 17
2. Was nervous about year 12 results
3. Was quite worried about the future and not getting into Uni
4. Loved Wednesday TV - 8.30 - 9.30 - Survivor * 9.30 - 10.30 - The Panel *waits half an hour* 11 pm - 12pm - Rove (channel 9) and then Letterman... A dream combination
5. Discovered IRC

5 years ago:
1. Started my first job as an Accountant in Kew and was pretty unhappy
2. Was in my 2nd year relationship with Brendan
3. Started to play a little WoW and would daydream about quests at work
4. Wrote a letter to myself to be opened in 6 months times telling me to quit if things didn't change at work
5. Slept in a Car with friends near Falls Creek cause we were to late to enter the snow area

1 year ago:
1. Started working in the Excise department in the ATO
2. Annoyed at disgusted at Manifest in general
3. Decided to do my CPA
4. Made some awesome new friends at Work
5. Caught a cockroach in a dice cup in a feral karaoke bar (though they had Freedom by George Michael *cannot find that song anywhere*)

1. Worked half day and went to a focus group about conflict resolution
2. Curled my hair with my awesome new hair straightener
3. Watched Went Harry met Sally for the 2nd time
4. Made some Xmas Cards
5. Started to read Lolita on the way to work

5 snacks I like:
1. Tim Tams
2. Snickers
3. Potato Chips
4. Dry Cranberries
5. Laughing Cow Cheese

5 songs I know all the words to: (And also my fav karaoke songs)
1. Big Spender
2. Fever
3. 不拖不欠
4. 執迷不悔 (粵語版)
5. Just a Girl

If I had a million dollars:
1. Buy a house
2. Get an awesome camera
3. Marry Brendan (though he has to at least pay for my ring)
4. Buy my sister and parents a house
5. Work part time and also study social work part time

5 things I would never wear:
1. MC Hammer pants
2. Tube top
3. head bands that go around your forehead
4. Turtle necks/skivvys
5. Hypercolour T-shirt

Favorite TV shows:
1. Dr Who
2. War of Genders(男親女愛)
3. 30 rock
4. Peep Show
5. Seinfeld

5 bad habits:
1. Eating
2. Stressing
3. Naggy
4. Spending money
5. Being a closeted introvert

5 biggest joys:
1. Brendan
2. My work life
3. My hair straightener (in love with it atm)
4. My friends
5. My reignited love for reading

5 fictional people I want to date:
1. I'm sorry but how cool would it be to be a companion of the Doctor (the shame....!)
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