me me me meme

Jun 18, 2008 17:21

You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? Since when?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

1. Name: Jessica and Sa for my Chinese name....

2. Age: 26 (and counting)

3. Location: Melbourne, Australia

4. Occupation: Risk and Intelligence Officer...basically do risk analysis on Excise clients and gather intelligence...desk jocky

5. Partner: Brendan/Zan...4.5 years ZOMG....have to say he is definitly my best friend as well. I say to him that if we ever break up (touch wood) i want to be one of those mature couple who stay good friends.

6. Kids: Not yet, but he/she hopefully will inherits Brendan sides legs and height and metabolisms (no wow tum tum though) ...they have naturally tone legs, but hopefully my lack of hairy legs eeeee....

7. Brothers/Sisters: A older sister

8. Pets: None...I don't have a home for pets

9. List the 3-5 Biggest Things Going On In Your Life:
*Work: So I have come out of the ATO graduate program and now have a placement at Excise. The work is interesting and I am pretty alright doing it. My Team leader is also really nice, so pretty much i can take a flex (time in lieu) any time I want provided I have got the hours. So its good. I have a tight bunch of friends there, and we have fun working for the same organization. Compared to my other jobs this one I feel good waking up and going to.

*Manifest: LoL...My 6th year in MOC...longer than any job I have ever been in. Its frustrating sometimes...but its ok, and there is fun to be had...very weird since i was never been into Anime (I last watch anime 2 years ago) don't read manga and not much of an anime merchandise buyer...I think I'm just a volunteer at heart.

*Trying to stay fit...A year ago I went to the doctors and they said I had a few things that were not very good, had a bit of an oil problem, and i was indulging on bad food...anyway i cut back on a lot of high oil foods and after a few test I did get a lot better. Well this year i am trying to be a little fitter and also doing more activity...(need to CUT down on food intake though -_-) SO I joined a gym next door to my work, and have been going three times a week...I sometimes also do extra aerobics class...Though I still look pretty much the same :( I think in terms of inner health I am doing much better, I have more Vitamin D and blood pressure and stuff is alright...So kinda content...but man...need to be good:D

10. What did you go to school for?
Well pretty much from year 10 I was like I do Commerce at Uni, its like if I get a good TER then I can go Melb Uni, or a bad TER Vic Uni. So pretty much I was covered, also Accounting and such was not maths so it was ok. I got into straight COmmerce at Latrobe and a year later changed to Commerce/Arts...the pragmatic thing was to of course do legal subjects to complement my course, but I choose humanities and got a Sociology as my other major. It was really good, and I managed to balance number crunching with subjects about communities. So yeah ended up working for the government in Tax no less to utilize my Accounting degree (which i got an A in tax) and also it public service blah blah blah

11. Parents: My parents are home from their Europe holidays...YaY

12. Close Friends: Are always around :D.
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