(no subject)

Feb 16, 2005 10:50

Just because I've failed recently to update here's something I thought I'd share.

Copy of Class 5

**An ABC of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente - A classic, good
primer from a British perspective of the folkloric and natural roots of
witchcraft, written by one of the grandmothers of Gardnerian and
other craft traditions.

Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches by Charles G. Leland... the first
published account of "Book of Shadows" material given to Leland by a
(Italian Witch) .

Casting the Circle, The Women's Book of Ritual by Diane Stein

Circles, Groves and Sanctuaries by Pauline Campinelli

**Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler - the revised edition -
who's who and what's what... a survey of the neo-pagan scene and an
introduction to the people prominent in the circles Margo had access
to. A must for
name-droppers, beginners and Elders alike...

Goddess in Every Woman, and God in Every Man both by Jean
Shinoda Bolen. The Psychology of interacting with the gods.

Hedge Witch by Rae Beth...practice from the point of view of the
solitary Hedge Witch, or natural healer/charm maker.

The Herb Book by John Lust. If you only buy one herb book,
this is it. Recipes, treatments, a good survey of background info on
aspects of herbs by the late renowned expert.

Magical Rites from the Crystal Well by Ed Fitch- a long-time
old-time Elder in the Gardnerian Tradition, and several other
traditions, wrote
these rites for his outer court coven. This is the complete volume.
Some of
this material was printed by others under the name of The Book of Pagan
Rituals in combination with some ceremonial material.

The Master Book of Herbalism by Paul Beyerl- A magikcal herbal
written by an herbalist and wiccan elder, founder of a wiccan seminary.

The Modern Craft Movement by Charles S. Clifton- Clifton both
interviews and writes about contemporary wiccan groups and individuals.

A Modern Herbal (2 volms) - Mrs. M. A. Grieve - a classic reference
for those wanting more depth, especially in gardening and medicinal
also used as a reference for folklore of plants by many later authors.

Modern Rites of Passage by Charles S. Clifton- this volume in
Clifton's series for Llewellyn prints rites of passage used by
contemporary wiccan groups for handfastings, Births, deaths, and other

Motherwit by Diane Mariechild- a classic manual of psychic
development by a promanent Dianic elder.

Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente- a little book of essays on
how the different aspects of magick work.

**Positive Magic by Marian Weinstein- Positively the best ever
treatment of ethics and dealing with the cosmic lawyers of magick,
written by a Dianic elder who won notariaty as the USA's first wiccan
stand up

**Practice of MAGIC, An Introductory Guide to the Art, by Draja
Mickaharic. The author of **Spiritual Cleansing wrote in this primer
his views on
the various practices of magic and requirements for success.

The Rebirth of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente- Her perspective
on the main craft movements in the USA and Europe.

Sprial Dance by Starhawk - the revised edition- a guide and
Book of Shadows compiled by Starhawk and her covens during years of
written from the eclectic Dianic perspective.

** Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic- An elder in several
types of magickal traditions gathered the best and simplest protection,
cleansing, and houscleaning spells and techniques from the various
traditions he practices. Deceptively simple, these techniques have handled
everything from dark
atmospheres up to otherworldly intrusions, and been used comfortably by
everyone from Wiccan elders to Christians.

Triple Goddess by Addam McLean

Voices from the Circle edited by Prudence Jones & Caitlin
Matthews. Two leaders of British traditions have gathered a series of
essays by
elders of different traditions as they describe and comment on their

Voices of the Goddess edited by Caitlin Matthews- Another set
of essays, by women elders.

The Way of the Goddess by Ly Warren Clark

Wheel of the Year by Pauline Campinelli- festivals and

When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone- The hidden history of Goddess
worship. This is the book and author that all the others quote.

**A Witch Alone by Marion Green- A british elder compiled a cycle
of thirteen meditations with exercises for the solitary witch, in a
paralleling the year's training of an initiate.

**The Witches' God by Janet and Stewart Farrar-two elders of the
"Alexandrian tradition" write on the God aspects and rituals for them.

**The Witches' Goddess by Janet and Stewart Farrar-two elders of
the "Alexandrian tradition" write on the Goddess aspects and ritual for
**Eight Sabbats for Witches and **The Witches’ Way are
Janet and Stuart Farrar’s two books that give the rituals for the
celebrations and other important rituals of Alexandrian British
Traditional Wicca presented and explained in detail. These two books
are presently
printed by Phoenix Publishing as **The Witches’ Bible. At 550 pages,
is not wicca 101 material. July 1996 ISBN 0919345921

The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara
Walker. Over ten years of research went into this comprehensive
of the history and background of the evolution of women's history...
from how the Biblical leaders tried to surpress Goddess worship in the
cultures around them, to events of the Burning times. A course in the
of history, all from thousands of historical sources.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Stephen Praige -
the remembering and re-evolution of a personality that had been
by shock treatment as it reemerges and tries to come to terms with the
personality that replaced it for a time. A good example of unguided
shamanic reintegration.


The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley- The Arthurian cycle as
seen through the eyes of the women involved-Ygraine, Morgan le fey, and
Guinevere. Bradley is a Craft Elder and Ceremonialist, and she
many esoteric traditions into the background of the novel.

The Sea Priestess, Moon Magic, and The Secrets of Dr. Taverner. (3
books) Dione
Fortune broke away from the Golden Dawn to form her own Society of
Inner Light because she kept returning to Paganism. The first two
novels are
in large part autobigraphical accounts of her priestesshood, and
is a collection of short stories based on the cases handled by her
and mentor. She also wrote The Winged Bull, The Goatfoot God, and
Lover, besides her many instructional books.

**Johnathan Livingston Seagull, and Illusions: Adventures of a
Messiah by Richard Bach

**Lammas Night, by Katherine Kurtz... a Science fiction authoress who
also a Craft Elder fictionalizes her research on the craft connections
sacred kingship observances of England. Set in World War two.

**All titles with ** denotes a "Must Have" in this Author's
eyes......my humble opinion, of course.....

I also included this informal-rules, ummmmm, set of guidelines so to

"Informal Wiccan Rules for Being Human....."

1.) You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be
yours for the entire period this time around. Try to keep it in good
working order.

2.) From your first breath, You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in
a full-time
informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the
opportunity to
learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and
stupid, but they will be there, waiting for you, each and every second of

3.) There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial,
error and experimentation. The failed experiments are as much a part of
the process as the
experiments that ultimately work. It's up to you to understand, learn,
and assimilate those lessons, good and bad, for yourself and your own

4.) A lesson is, and will be, repeated until learned. A lesson will be
presented to you
in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it,
you can then go on
to the next lesson.

5.) Learning lessons does not end. Learning NEVER ends. There is no
part of life that
does not contain it's lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to
be learned.

6.) "There" is no better place than "here." When your "there" becomes a
"here, " you
will simply obtain another "there" that will, again, look better than
"here." Always try to
live Life in the "Here" as well as the "Now".

7.) Others are merely a mirror of you. You cannot love or hate
something about
another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate
about yourself.
If you receive or create strong emotions about someone else, look
inside for the why,
and you will see a part of yourself that was hidden before.

8.) What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and
you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is and always
will be, yours. The only chains that can bind you are the chains you
forge for yourself....

9.) The only constant in the Universe is change. If change comes
slowly, then it's Order,
and if it comes fast, then it is Chaos. Change will always be here, so
get used to it
and accept it.

10.) Your "Free will", is the only power that can affect change, ( see
above #9 ) . You chose! It will be up to you when you will change, (
for the better, and for the worse, now or later ) , based on the lessons
that you have learned and assimilated.

11) Your answers lie inside you. The answers to all of life's questions
lie inside you.
All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

12.) You will forget all of this, ( especially when it's convenient ) .

13.) You can remember anytime you want to.

"Informal Wiccan Rules for Being Human"...Edited by Arwythur....from
an Anonymous Beginning.
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