Drabble: Ocular Magic

May 04, 2009 00:17

Author: Mystic
Title: Ocular Magic
Pairing: Reid/Lynch (no you can’t kill me, my journal, my pairing!!!!!!)
Rating: PG13
Feedback: Just try not to do any permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Criminal Minds and its characters are in no way mine, and, assuming you don't count my borderline obsession with it, I have absolutely notta to do with the show or CBS or anything else related.
Warnings/Squicks: Other than the pairing? Misuse of magic.
Summary: The boys play with magic. …a little teaser for my Xandra’s b-day

Okay, Mys knows that it's still yesterday in you're neck of the woods, but it's today here and since 'm hoping to have the first two chappies of your other fic up later Mys thinks she can get away with tossing you this tidbit now. :P


Kevin knew if he concentrated hard enough he’d get it. His mind and hands just had to work together- like they did everyday at his keyboard.
He could do this.

From the doorway, Spencer watched as his boyfriend attempted to master, or at least complete, a disappearing coin trick.
The young genius suppressed a chuckle, coming up behind Kevin he wrapped his long arms around the hacker. His smaller effeminate hands covering the darker man’s larger ones, “Like this.”
Spencer calmly guided Kevin through the motions of the trick.
“Show your palm and the coin.” He ran his long fingers sensually over Kevin’s open palm as he spoke.
“Then take the coin, without taking it,” once again guiding Kevin’s hand with his own.
“Now fist,” he closed the hand containing the coin, “and fist,” wrapping his hand tight around the other man’s.
With a soft, slow, caressing breath across his lover’s knuckles, “Blow,” he instructed. “And open.”

The coin was obviously missing from Kevin’s open palm.

Bringing Kevin’s still closed fist to his mouth, Spencer kissed it, whispering huskily, “And open.”

Kevin turned in Spencer’s arms, his mouth searching for Spencer’s.
“Magic’s overrated,” the techie breathed against Spencer’s lips when their mouths parted.

Chuckling, “You just need a good teacher.”

Kevin nibbled his boyfriend’s neck, “Hmmm, maybe one who could tech me to make your clothes disappear.”

“I bet the right teacher could make all our clothes disappear,” the young FBI agent teased as he led his lover to the bedroom.

reid/lynch, ocular, drabbles, slash

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