Mar 28, 2006 23:22
Why have I pushed aside the happy post I wanted to write to moan about my day?
Locked myself out of the house. Both my landlady and guy who lives in the room next door are away. Jonny is at work until god knows what time this morning. Knock on next door neighbours door. Ask for spare key. They have a spare key. Joy of joy. Try to put key in lock. Key doesn't fit. Key is obviously about 500 years old. Give key back. Phone Jonny (the first of many times) Decide to go to kickboxing even though I don't have any shoes/clothes. Get in the car which has been working perfectly for the last three days. Car starts fine. Car gets to end of road. Car dies. Car starts after much persuasion. Car gets to the end of the next road. Car dies. Car takes longer to start. Car makes it about 2 metres. Car dies. You get the point. Finally get to kickboxing only 5 minutes late. Do kickboxing in my work uniform and bare feet. Kickboxing is good. No complaints there! Feel slightly more optimistic about the rest of the day. Am meant to be meeting Gary and Heidi in the pub as it is Heidi's birthday however now I need to go back to work where Jonny's boss has dropped my house keys. Get in the car. Car starts after a little bit of persuasion. Car gets half way down the uni drive. Car stops. Car makes almighty back firing noise of doom. Car repeats this for about 20 minutes. Car finally starts. Car makes it to the end of the drive. Car stops. Car continues to make horrific noises for another 20 or so minutes. Car starts. Car makes it nearly all the way home due to not having to stop at all, albeit with a lot of jolting and spluttering. Car approaches traffic lights. Traffic lights are on green. Ashley shouts at traffic lights not to turn red. Traffic lights turn red. Ashley screams. Car stops. Ashley swears at car. Car emits smell of burning death accompanied by almighty backfiring. Ashley bangs her head against steering wheel. What feels like millions of cars drive past. None of them stop. Eventually nice man offers me a push. Gratefully accept. He pushes me in the opposite direction to home. Park car. Phone Jonny. Get upset. Try to start car again. Car starts. Car gets 500 yards away from home and stops. Ashley pushes car rest of the way home. Walk to work and get keys. Finally get home. Gary brings me cake. Have to resist urge to eat cake.
Yeah, so, great! Now I have to get up sometime between 3 and 6 o clock this morning to let Jonny in because he no longer has a key (entirely my fault!)
I have a really good entry and some pictures to post but I don't want it in the same entry as this moanfest so I will leave it for another day!
I smell like burning.