Where'd you get that?

Sep 12, 2009 01:01

Title:Where'd you get that?
Characters/Pairings: Mal, Kaylee, Simon Kaylee/Simon
Summary: Kaylee tries to explain to Mal the hickey on her neck.
Notes: Written for atomic89 at the whedonland fic fest. The prompt was Simon/Kaylee, and hickeys. Also, first real time I've tried writing in the Firefly verse. Not sure how I did.

Kaylee was finishing up some jury rigged repairs to the old girl when Mal poked his head in. “She’s flying a little off, Kaylee, how’s everything looking down….what is that?” He pointed at her neck.

Kaylee instinctively brushed the hair behind her ear, letting it fall down over her neck. Too late though, Mal had already seen the evidence of the little love bite Simon had given her last night. They hadn’t really made it a secret about their relationship, but Kaylee was pretty sure Mal didn’t know how serious the two were. His little question proved it. “What is what?”

“Now, Kaylee, don’t you think you can go hiding that from me. I know a Hickey when I see one. Mind explaining that one on your neck.”

Kaylee wasn’t really sure why it was so difficult for her to find the words to tell Mal she’d been sleeping with Simon pretty regularly since the Miranda incident, but it was. It was like staring down her father. Only Mal seemed a tad more scary to her. “Well, uh…you see…” She stammered. “Simon and I…we’ve been”

Mal held up his hand, he didn’t need to hear anymore. “He treating you right?”
“Well, yeah. Once he finally pulled his head out from the sand actually saw me for me, that is.”

Mal nodded. “Good. You come to me if he starts treating you like anything less than a lady, you got that.”

Kaylee smiled at Mal. “Yes, sir, Captain, sir.” She gave him a bit of a mock salute.
Mal was leaving the engine room as Simon came in looking for Kaylee, and he turned a stern look on the doctor. “You treat her as anything less than a lady, I will find out about it, and you will not like the consequences.” He said, then walked back towards the cockpit.

Simon looked over at Kaylee. “What was that all about?”

“Simon, you have got to stop leaving hickeys where people can find them. I shudder to think the talkin to you’d get from Jayne.”

kaylee, fic: complete, firefly, mal reynolds, fic: prompt, simon tam, whedonland

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