Title: Many Happy Returns (1/??)
Fandom: Torchwoood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Team Torchwood, Lacey Harkness, Tessa Harkness, Alex O'Connell, Tavish Harkness, Meredith Harkness, Martha Jones, Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond.
Summary: When two Rift Spikes happen simlantiously, the explosion separates Lacey from the team. Is she all right, and who is the mysterious seventh person on the scene?
Notes: I only claim Lacey as my own Alex O"Connell is a fanon represenation of Rick and Evelyn O'Connell's kid from the Mummy Returns, in which he is just about sixteen. Tessa is about to turn seventeen. The Twins are eleven. This is set Post Exit Wounds. CoE doesn't exist in this setting.
Lacey looked up at the sound of a beeping on her computer. “Got another warning, Dad,” she pulled up the information she had available, “Rift Spike, not too far, not too big either.”
Jack walked over to his oldest daughter. “Really? We just sent Martha, Mickey and Jake out not ten minutes ago to investigate one.”
“Well, looks like the ole Rift decided it wanted to be especially active and make us all go out into the field. The big meanie.” She pouted at her computer before leaning backwards in her chair so she could see Jack. “So I guess it’s you me and Ianto this time?”
“Yeah, let me go tell Gwen what’s up. You know she’s missing going out with us on these excursions.” Jack headed into this office, shaking his head at Lacey’s muttered ‘if she wasn’t pregnant she could take my spot.’ He called up to the information desk. “Gwen, looks like the Rift is being a big meanie, according to Lacey, and sending us on another Rift chase. Do you think you could call Rhys and-“
Gwen chuckled, cutting Jack off. “Yes, I’ll have him pick the kids from school. Do you want them to hang out at our flat, or just have him bring them to the Hub?”
“Oh just bring them to the Hub, we shouldn’t be gone very long, according to the readings, it’s not a big enough Rift that we’re looking at long nights. Probably some small tech probably, and we’ll be back. I’d say two hours tops.” He hung up, and found Ianto and Lacey ready and waiting for him. He smiled at the two. “Well, come on, and no, you’re not driving,” he said, pointing at Lacey.
“Aw, come on Dad. You’re not still mad about little sports car, are you? I mean, that was almost two years ago, and honestly, Owen was driving, not me.”
“Hmm that’s not what Owen told me, that’s not what Tosh told me, and that’s not what the police report and eye witnesses told me,” he said with an eyebrow quirk.
“It was still two years ago.” She sulked, climbing into the seat behind Jack in the SUV. She booted up the system, informing Jack and Ianto where they needed to go. “It’s an abandoned building on the south edge of town. About fifteen minutes from here, although if dad’s driving, we’ll probably be there in five.” And that was it, no quips about the incident, no trying to explain why she’d been speeding around in his car. Just what was going on, and a small sulk.
Jack wondered at his normally talkative daughter’s silence. At first he thought she was just sulking about not being able to drive, but all day she’d been a bit withdrawn, and distant. He looked over at Ianto. The younger man just mouthed one word, ‘Tosh’, and Jack understood. Tosh’s birthday, it was no wonder Lacey had pulled back on that day. She had been close to Torchwood’s technical genius, and had taken her death hard, blaming herself for not being there to save her friends. And today and Owen’s birthday, the usually bright and outgoing Time Lord shut down and stayed distant. By tomorrow, she’d be her normally hyper self, but for now the best was just to let her focus on the job. It’s how she got through the day.
They pulled up to the building, and Jack let out a small sound of disgust. “You know, this abandoned building would remind me of the last abandoned building.”
“I wouldn’t know, I was with the kids,” Lacey said, a hint of accusation in her voice. She’d overall forgiven Jack for his decisions, and understood it. Someone, after all, had to protect the kids, and more often than not, she was the one sent because they all trusted her.
Jack nodded. “All right, let’s get in there, figure out what we’re dealing with, and head back. I’m thinking barbeque tonight.” He looked in the rearview mirror to catch a slight smile on her face. “We even have ribs, I believe.”
Lacey chuckled a bit at that. “I think I’m gonna have Mere help me with the cake this year.”
“I’d think she’d like that,” Ianto agreed as he got out of the SUV. “She loves helping out in the kitchen, almost as much as Tavish likes helping with the coffee in the morning.”
“I dread the day he’s old enough to be able to drink it, he like the rest of us, is going to turn into such a coffee fiend.” Lacey said, following Ianto into the building. “Ugh, this place gives me the creeps…something doesn’t feel right.”
“What is it?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know, just the hairs on the back of my head are standing straight up. I don’t like it. Let’s find whatever’s here and get out of here.”
“Jack? What are you doing here?”
Jack looked over at Martha as she approached him. “I could ask you the same thing. I thought you were investigating a Rift Spike.”
“We are, these are the coordinates, Jake and Mickey are checking the back entrance to see what was there, what are you three doing here?”
“Lacey said there was more activity coming up on the monitor,” Jack said, looking at the woman. “I guess she just read the same one twice. Or marked down the wrong coordinates.”
Ianto shook his head. “No, look at the readouts, Jack. The size predicted is different, this one is slightly smaller than the one we sent Martha out to investigate.” He looked over at Lacey. “Could the timing be off?”
Lacey wasn’t listening. She had heard both talking about the two rifts energies. Two positives, she turned back to the three who were looking at her. “run!” She told them. “Don’t question, just run,” she hit the blue tooth device. “Mickey, Jake, get out of the building now! There’s no time to explain, just put as much distance between this building and you as you can.” She was already pushing Jack, Ianto and Martha, confused by her sudden actions to get them out of the building.
“What the hell? Lacey what is going on?” Mickey said over the comms.
“What part of No.Time.To.Explain do you not understand? Get the fuck out of the fucking building!”
“Lacey,” Martha said, checking something on her scanner. “There’s a seventh signature.”
She looked up. “Fuck, that means someone fell through before the second rift spike started pushing through.” Jack was too far away, and if anyone could survive a blast other than the immortal, it was her. She gave Jack a little apologetic look before running into the building, still shouting at Mickey and Jake to clear the area now.
“Lacey!” Jack chased after his daughter. Whatever she was thinking, it couldn’t end well, her plans hardly ever did. He had just gotten through the door; saw her look at him with a fearful look and then the world exploded, literally. He caught a glimpse of her being tossed up and back by the blast before the building started falling down around them. Jack, thrown in the opposite direction, managed to crawl out before the building collapsed and blocked the entrance, separating him from his daughter. “Lacey!” he wheezed out. He touched the com unit in his ear. “Lacey, come on, baby, tell me you’re ok.” Ianto and Martha were running up to him. They were saying something but there was a ringing in his ears, he could barely hear himself talk, and he was listening for anything from Lacey. “Come on, please, something, anything, baby.” He looked up at Ianto. “She was right there. If I’d been just a bit faster.”
“She could just be unconscious, Jack,” Martha said, kneeling down next to the man to check for serious wounds. “Or if she was closer to the blast, she might still be deafened by it.” She reached into her med kit, grabbing some things to clean the injuries.
“Jack, what was that? What happened?”
Jack shook his head. “I don’t,” he took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like this.” He checked his com again. Nothing still from Lacey, so he checked on Mickey and Jake. “Mickey, Jake, report.”
“Made it out just before everything went to hell. Scared the shit out of us, what’s going on Jack.”
“Your guess is as good as mine. Right now, I’m more concerned with the fact that Lacey is in there, and not responding.” He looked at the building. “We’ve got to get in there.”
“There’s still some space to get in from the back,” Mickey said. “Jake and I can go in, see if we can locate her. She’s probably just unconscious.” His voice said he didn’t believe it.
“Do it, get in there, and get her out of there before the whole place falls down around her.” He looked at the caved in front of the building. “We’ll try to get to her from here.” Jack had to be truthful to himself, he wasn’t holding out much hope. The best-case scenario is that she had time to regenerate and would be fine in a few days, with a new face, but otherwise fine. Worst case, well, he really didn’t want to think about that.