(no subject)

Apr 25, 2007 10:33

A-Z of News

A: Aren't you all in the mood for Year Twelve?!? ...kill me already.

B: Bif...I'm glad we talk more now...I'm much happier and I feel like things have shifted for the better. Love for you my dearie.

C:Closing Shift at work on my own soon...I'm kinda scared of working on my own with all the old porno loving guys and the drunken drugged up weirdos we get...eep.

D: Dating?! Why are THEY dating?!?! Has the world gone insane?! Unlikeliest couple ever award? I think so.

E: Eighteen in 2 days...its scary, exciting, sad, happy....a big step.

F: Freaky guy at my work the other day. I recently dyed my hair darker. This guy who I had NEVER seen before came into my work and said 'OH! You've gone dark! It looks really nice!'. Okay...kinda creepy...especially if you add the fact that my dad didn't even notice.

G: Gloveslap Baby! Gloveslap! Gloveslap! I don't take crap!

H: High School Musical (Production) is seriously getting on my nerves. I'm over it...It's making me get over theatre...which I hate because that's what I've always loved and wanted to do. Having a director who doesn't support us and makes every rehearsal a lecture doesn't do much to motivate anyone. It's just not fun anymore...I dread going...which is just insane.

I: Injections yesterday....did anyone else feel anything remotely painful? Remember in year seven we used to make such a big deal about them? haha...I used to stress about them weeks in advance.

J: J..hmm....am I over it? I think I am. That's not saying he's not love-inducing at times. *sigh*

K: Kiss..(Literature people)...I wonder if anyone in the world actually kisses like Jane Eyre in that old version of the movie...I mean...wouldn't you hate to find your one true love...and they thought that romance was eating the side of your face off and slobbering down your chin? Oh...that's attractive. It really gets my heart beating.....Edward... *raises eyebrow*

L: Love for Maroon 5's new song 'Makes Me Wonder'...yes it's kind of pop but I still like it dammit!

M: Mental Breakdown # 1 was last week. Year Twelve is getting to me and it wasn't even the first week back. Oh god. There's just way to much work to do and so little time to even think about completing it.

N: New phone!! *hyperventilates* Its a Sony Ericson Z610i...and its pink! How girly of me...I dont care.

O: Okay...question....would you rather not be invited to a party....or ask to go and know your just a pity invite?

P: Phone call last night from Dad and Steve in Papua New Guinea. *breathes out* They were doing the Kokoda Trail...so of course we couldnt talk to them for 2 weeks and worred that they were safe and hadn't caught malaria or anything serious had happened to them. But they're fine... yay!

Q:Quoker?...Wasn't there a small marsupial called a Quoker (Pronounced Cwok-er) or am I going insane? Never mind.

R: Rain rain go away....I know we need it but I hate the cold and I hate winter and I hate having to walk everywhere in the goddamn rain. Hppmmp.

S: Scared...about seeing you again after ages and what I did to you. I don't know if you've completely forgiven me...it will be interesting to see you. And I'm happy that your coming.

T: Tomorrow Eliza, my cousin and my aunty arrive! Hah...it feels like my eighteenth is a 4 day event. I can't wait to see them...I just hope my cousin is alright..she's been going a bit crazy lately and trying to leave home (she's 16) It's just insane...so I hope things run smoothly this weekend.

U: uhhhmmm.......moving on.

V: Very glad that Mrs De Lang is not still dressing like a pre-pubescent girl in her short skirts and tight tops. God that made for frightening math lessons.

W: Why won't my sister stop watching The O.C?!?! I swear to god i can quote every single episode now.... *kills creators*



Z: ....zebra?
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