50 Reasons to Have Sex- Reason 31: It's cold outside

Aug 31, 2012 22:00

Title: Reason 31: It's cold outside
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
Author: mystic7194
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin /Arthur established
Length:686 words
Rating: R
Warning: Sex
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50 reasons to have sex. So I’ve written a fic for every reason. The fics are mostly slash and are from several different fandoms including (but not limited to) BBC Sherlock, Supernatural, Grimm, and Glee. Most fics stand alone.

In this chapter it’s too cold to leave the inn so Merlin and Arthur find another way to occupy themselves.


AN: Arthur is just a prince in this fic and knows about Merlin’s magic.

The bright morning sun streaming in through the windows roused the crown prince of Camelot shortly after dawn. He blinks resentfully at the offending light. It takes several moments for his sleep-addled mind to identify the unfamiliar location- an inn about a half days ride from Camelot.

Arthur attempts to shift his body so he can get out of bed but something prevents him. He pulls off the thick fur blankets to reveal his sleeping manservant curled up against Arthur’s side. The boy makes a sleepy noise of complaint as he is exposed to the cold winter air.

“Merlin!” Arthur demands loudly. “Merlin, why are you in my bed?”

“Hm, what?” the servant questions sleepily.

“Why-are-you-in-my-bed?” the prince repeats.

“It was cold last night, sire,” Merlin explains. “The floor was like ice. I thought we could share body heat.”

Merlin gives Arthur that infuriatingly adorable smile that Arthur can’t resist.

“Fine,” Arthur concedes. “But it’s time to get up now.”

“But Arthur,” Merlin complains. “It’s still freezing outside and it’s cozy in here. Why do we have to leave?”

“My father expects me back in Camelot tonight,” Arthur explains. “I can’t exactly tell him I couldn’t make it because my lazy servant was too comfy to get out of bed.”

“We can leave at noon, when it’s warmer, and still be in Camelot by nightfall,” Merlin counters. Arthur contemplates his manservant’s suggestion. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to travelling through the thin layer of frost covers the ground in the early morning. Maybe the frost will melt in the warm afternoon sun.

“Fine Merlin,” Arthur concedes. “But what do you propose we do while we wait.”

“I can think of something,” Merlin smiles mischievously. He moves to straddle the prince’s lap and Arthur suddenly realizes that Merlin is naked.

“Why…?” is all Arthur can stammer out as his blood begins rushing southward.

“All the better for sharing body heat,” Merlin explains.

He leans forward to kiss the prince as one hand works to free Arthur’s cock from his breeches. Merlin uses his other hand to prepare himself using oil that Arthur didn’t notice him grab. Arthur loves watching as his sensitive manservant wreathes on the three fingers he’s pressing deep inside himself. Merlin makes such hot, desperate noises.

Once he’s stretched himself, Merlin takes hold of Arthur’s hardened cock and guides it into his tight heat. The warlock sinks down slowly until Arthur is fully sheathed within him. Then he raises himself up by his knees until only the head of Arthur’s cock is inside him before quickly lowering himself so that the prince is balls deep in his manservant. Merlin repeats the action several times, his tight inner walls clenching and dragging along Arthur’s member. Arthur thrusts just as Merlin is coming down making Merlin let out a loud moan. If Arthur were thinking clearly, he’d be worried about the patrons next door hearing them. But the only thing on the Prince’s mind right now is making Merlin make that sound again.

Merlin speeds up as they both approach orgasm. He’s practically bouncing in Arthur’s lap doing his best to keep time with Arthur’s thrusts. Merlin comes first, his seed spilling onto Arthur’s chest. Merlin’s passage clenching around Arthur as Merlin orgasms sends Arthur over the edge. Merlin lets out another moan as Arthur’s warm cum fills him.

Merlin gently pulls himself off Arthur’s cock and resumes his place curled against the monarch’s side. He begins to drift off to sleep.

“Merlin,” Arthur pokes the sorcerer until he lets out a grunt of protest. “The bed is incredibly sticky, Merlin. I am not sleeping next to you while you drip cum everywhere.”

Merlin mutters some words (one of which sounds suspiciously like prat), waves his hand, and instantly the stickiness disappears. It’s as if the sheets have been freshly laundered.

“Thank you,” Arthur says. Merlin responds by muttering something rather rude about his ancestors. Arthur decides to let it go. He wraps his arms around his manservant and allows himself to drift to sleep. They have a few more hours until they have to leave.

AN: I enjoyed writing this chapter. I like the attitude that both Merlin and Arthur have. Please leave me a review. Tell me what you liked and where you think I can improve.

type: fanfic, rating: r, fandom: merlin, series:50 reasons to have sex

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