Oct 24, 2009 16:51
Still obsessed with that song...Satellite Heart. It may sound lame but there is something in it that just speaks to me.
I'm realizing how much a person can be a part of your life...and how empty your life feels when they aren't there. Everything's just less...I don't know how to describe it, everything is just less.
He's back tomorrow...thank god. This whole not being able to talk thing is killing me...
Tonight I am going out for the first time since being at school...yeah go me. I figured I would get together with some friends and celebrate the end of midterms/the passing of my birthday. I don't know a thing about Boston nightlife...so I don't really know what to expect.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I can't wait until tomorrow. Christopher comes back and I'm going to the Museum of Science and seeing the Harry Potter exhibit with Shelby and her mom. I love hanging out with the Piches.
Dear Sunday, please come soon. I have been waiting for you.
I'm a satellite heart, lost in the dark.
I spun out so far, you stop I start.
I'll be true to you.