Laziness Rant

Nov 09, 2009 17:20

With the rise in the use of the internet (everyone I know is facing a screen all day) I think we have not only become more and more disconnected but also just plain lazy and rude.

We send each other birthday wishes over FaceBook.  We send comments to "get well" when we see a post that someone is sick.   Now, I'm sure there are true sentiments behind those comments.  I know there are when I send them.  But I don't bring chicken soup to your house even if you live near me, either.

Today at work I had to send out a mass email about someone's death.  The funeral is tomorrow and people needed to know right away.

First of all, it feels cold to send out that kind of thing via mass email, even if it is the most efficient way to spread necessary news.

What got me, though, was that one guy replied, "Please send my condolences to her family."  What??!!  Make a phone call.  Send a card.  Email the family yourself, for heaven's sake!  Replying to the messenger doesn't count.  It's lazy and rude.  And I'm sure the person feels like they have expressed their sympathy.  Check.  Done.  On to the next thing "to do."

The internet has allowed us to communicate with more people faster than ever.  But we've lost the humanity; lost real connection.  There are times and places that deserve more than a twitter.

End rant.
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