Let yourself be loved

Sep 19, 2009 19:37

I walk through my neighborhood
Each step a prayer of gratitude for my life
     for my living, breathing, fully alive self
     here in the world
Feeling the carress of the cool breeze, cleansing me
The communion with the trees, loving me
    and me loving right back

My friend lies in hospice
I walk as a prayer for her
To honor her
With every breath I give thanks for her life and all that she brought to everyone she knew
Her vibrancy, her full out colorful being, loud and out there, BEING who she is
And inviting everyone else into the delight

She came to learn and to teach us all: Let yourself be loved.

May I live my life in a way that honors hers.  May I live each moment in the moment, connected, loving and letting myself be loved.

To Super Faery Friends - LOVE!
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