Jan 26, 2009 09:44
Moving to the rhythms
Of the Ancestor song
Life force
Kundalini riding on the dance
I look into the eyes of my great, great
Solemn, overwhelmed, fearful (Got to hold the baby… wanna bolt!)
In probably your best dress (Scratchy neck frill)
Seated stiffly next to my great, great
Grandfather (are we doing this right for the picture taker man?)
In your tattered clothes, a working man
Eyes bewildered (but I’m supposed to be in charge)
Both covered in lively little boys (mouths to feed)
I clap and writhe
Reveling in sensuous clothes
caressing me with every move
In my bright room
Filled with all that I desire
My magick, my books, my art, whatever I might want
Expressions of myself everywhere
Unhindered, unencumbered
I dance with you, old ones
Life force flowing
May this energy connect us
May we know each other
May we learn from each other
May we heal