Yeah, about that updating thing...

Oct 30, 2011 22:30


So, let's see.

Still eleven people in the house. It's a bit crazy a lot of the time. (For those who missed it, my brother, his wife and their four kids moved in with us while they built their new house. It's been a year and a half, and they've not started building yet.)

I went on a tour with one of the other education staff from the Library, taking some items from the Burke and Wills expedition to the public library in Warrmanbool and then showing them to a few hundred schoolkids there and in Colac. We were accompanied by a two person theatre troupe who performed a short humorous play about the expedition  artist Ludwig Becker. The items included two of Becker's paintings (this one and this one), Burke's last note, Wills' pistol, nardoo grinding stones, and the plate from the box that carried Burke and WIlls' remains back to Melbourne. We had to have special training to handle these items - white gloves and all! - and they had to be stored overnight at police stations in case of theft. In Warrnambool, they ended up in the drugs storage room, which is the most secure room in the whole station apparently! It was great to get out and give some presentations, talk to members of the public and some school kids.

Otherwise, work has been -- frustrating. I'm promoting a bunch of online resources for schools, and let's just say some of the people I've been in touch with have been less than helpful. As in, not returning emails or phone calls for weeks, not even to let me know that they weren't the person I needed to speak to any way! Argh. Term 4 is also about the worst time to be promoting resources to teachers, as they're flat out with getting things wrapped up for the end of the year. Nevertheless, I've booked trips to Horsham, Ballarat, Bendigo, and Mildura, as well as Brunswick, and I am speaking at a conference and a few other events.

Oh, I had a toenail fall off! That was exciting. I got an infection under the nail bed from a blister, of all things. When it started swelling, I went to the doctor like a good boy, but two courses of antibiotics later it didn't look much better, so the doctor was having a closer look, and the nail just sort of...fell off. Yeah, I know. It's looking much better now though.

Okay, tl;dr: still alive. I will try to do this more regularly, and then it'll be less overwhelming.
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