Welcome to Chudda Prime Entry (5)

Oct 05, 2013 21:29

I know what you're thinking. Mystery, we were just in Chudda Prime in the last update. Shouldn't we be headed over to the other neighborhood first? Well see this bunch is seriously too much fun for their own good. I'm going to head on over to Chudda Alpha after this update. I swear. Actually I'll have to or else ya know I'm gonna be really behind over there. Last time Cathrine's youngest child and only daughter (in this hood) Carol narrated. This time we'll be hearing form the middle two boys Jon and Joshua...ie the only two kiddos this gen who haven't had a turn to narrate. Let's get crackin hmm....

Dear Jon,
How's the desert? Life back here on the farm's pretty much the same as it's always been. Dude, what's up with Ellis? We haven't heard from him since you guys left. I know, I know he's off on some trek with the aliens, but don't they have a space phone? I mean you'd think an advanced race that can travel half-way across the galaxy and abduct your brother twice could and convince him to save their plant, would let him phone home every now and then.

I swear mom's gonna blow a gasket if she doesn't get some news soon. Speaking of mom.... So I was just tryin to livin things up a bit down at Peerless Park the other day. Convinced this guy to prank one of the instructors....man it was totally hilarious! Still haven't figured out how mom found out though...I'm not on garden duty for a month. What's up with that?


What's wrong with you? You know mom won't put up with shit like that. She's never taken crap from anyone. Guess I shouldn't be shocked though. You've had a death wish since you were two. As for Ellis, nah man haven't heard from him either. But hey if they've got brains, they'll bring him back home eventually. Mom'd make their lives a living hell if they don't.

College's going great. You're gonna love it here. (But you will get somewhat decent grades while you're here. Maybe you have a death wish, but I don't.) Amy says hi. And yes Joshua we are STILL together. And no it doesn't make me mom because my girlfriend and I have been together since highschool. (Don't you dare let mom read that. Or I will kill you.)

Try not to get killed,

Dear Jon,
Still alive and kicking here in the land of Chudda. Carol's getting good at the whole soccer thing. Of course I totally let her win.

Cause I'm totally the best twin brother in the entire world.

What girl wouldn't want a hot stud like me? Brooke and I were just discussing my amazing manliness and total maturity the other day down at the rec center.

Carol's got this guy Amar hanging around. She met him at an art competition. Apparently he's from Three Lakes. Our baby sister even got her first kiss from this guy.

Don't worry bro I sat right down and made sure he knew that nobody messes with our little sister.

Let if be known that mom and dad are still finding ways to humiliate us with their constant public displays of affection.

Carol's applying to attend Chuddaridge and that fancy smanzy university in Veronaville. I can't pronounce the name..Academy Letour? Ledatour? Whatever. No real surprise she's the one of us that's not happy just livin among the trees her whole life . What's shocking is apparently she's decided she wants to be a lawyer. Where'd that come from?


Dear Joshua,
I just got off the phone with mom. I can't believe Grandpa Roland is really gone. I'll be home by tomorrow for the funeral. The really weird thing is Amy knew he was gone. We were sitting there playing chess and she started crying. When I asked her what was wrong she said that she felt someone had passed over into the afterlife. She's been taking these lessons on the side from these people learning to commune with the spirits or something. I always thought it was nonesense..just a weird hobby of hers. But man, less than 10 minutes after I get her calmed down and mom calls. Honestly man, gives me the chills a little bit.

I love Amy to death though. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. It was just freaky. Probably just a coincidence is all. She's always been kind of emotional. And we did go see that new movie the other day. Ya know the one where the guy's mom dies. She probably just got all broke up about that again in the middle of our game, and just didn't want to tell me. Women can be so weird.

But I'm still just. I mean Grandpa being gone. I'm still in shock. I can't believe I'll be coming home and he won't be around. I mean I just talked to him the other day. He sounded as great as ever. Was going on about taking care of the plants down at Peerless Park and us going fishing the next time I came home.

Mom told me that jackass Joe Carr kicked over our trash can and left a pile of rotten garbage on the lawn again. Mom hung up with me just so she could go kick his ass in person. Seriously he couldn't have picked a worse day to cross mom. You know how close she and Grandpa always were. I can't imagine how Grandma must feel right now. Geez, she's got to be lost. Give her a hug for me. I'll see you tomorrow.


P.S. I almost forgot. I heard from Ellis the other day. He sent me this picture of him and some girl named Naenae Almassizdeh. And no I haven't got the faintest idea how you pronounce that.

Dear Jon,
Hey just wanted to let you know that I'll be at La Fiesta Tech in a few days. I gave Grandma a last minute gift before I left. It's been rough on her since Grandpa died. We've all done our best to help her stay busy. Keep her mind off it. Imagine it'll be harder with all the grandkids gone.

I spoke to Carol last night. She arrived safe and sound in her dorm at the Academy. She says she thinks she'll get along great with her room-mates and that she's excited to start classes on Monday. She says she is a little homesick, but really she's looking forward ot the next 4 years away from Chudda. Man, can't believe I won't actually see my twin sister for 4 whole years. I'm starting to realize that's going to be harder to deal with than I thought.

Well I'm gonna go say all those last minute good-byes. I'll see you in a few days man. The next two years are going to be a blast.


So this is the end of the chapter. Well almost. No lie...Roland's death took me by total surprise. I didn't realize his life bar had gotten so full. I just barely caught Grimmy as he was leaving with my founder. I was literally like WHAT??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm not ready for him to leave yet!!!! I'm still pretty broken up. Here let's have some pic spam of Roland Prime in all his awesomness to help cheer us up.

I'm going to miss you Roland. Parellel Estate just won't be the same without you. *sniff*
Roland passed away at 76 days old and he left money to his wife, child, and four grandchildren.

Well at least I still have Marisa around for a little longer. She's been a real trooper since her beloved died. Good thing too. I don't think I could have handled it if she'd walked around crying her eyes out all the time. So now let's take a closer look at the kids this generation. Because I am absolutely no closer to deciding on an heir any opinions from readers are welcome. Why must all of Catherine's offspring be so cool???

Option 1: Ellis Hunter
LTW Be A Space Pirate
Pro's: Has been abducted by aliens as a teen, Has a fiance with red hair.
Negative: Doesn't have the "fancy" eyes. Has Marisa's stabby death nose.

Option 2: Jon Hunter
LTW: Reach Golden Anniversary
Pro's: Has the Fancy Eyes from Roland. He and Amy have 3 bolts.
Negative: No recessives coming into the family this generation.

Option 3: Joshua Hunter
LTW: Become Head of the SCIA
Pro's: He's quirky (his hobby is sewing) He loves to check himself out in the mirror. Has the best smustle face in the house.
Cons: Doesn't have the fancy eyes. Has the stabby death nose.

Option 4: Carol Hunter
LTW: Reach the top of the Artist Career
Pro's: Has the Fancy Eyes...
Negatives: Not sure if Carol would want to be heiress truth be told.  I mean sure she's devoted to her family. And sure she's smart enough to do a great job, but she strikes me as the one that would most want to break free of the family home. Know what I mean?

prime universe, parallel universe, hunter family, legacy challenge, sims 2, chudda, boolprop

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