Welcome to Chudda Prime Entry (4)

Sep 21, 2013 19:21

Welcome  back to Chudda Prime! Last time we left off with the Hunters here in this hood, Catvin had 4 kids. The chapter was narrated by their eldest son Ellis. This chapter we'll be hearing from their youngest Carol. So let's see what this lot of tree huggers got up to since we left shall we?

Hello. I'm Carol Hunter and this is my story about my family. That's my grandpa Roland Hunter. He's the patriarch of our family. That means he's the oldest male and head of our family. He's started an important legacy. That means we are recording the history of our family to share with the world. And one day I'll have a part to play in our family's story. Grandpa even says I might be called on to be heiress like mom. I decided I better get started preparing now. Just in case. I thought I could help out by painting grandpas portrait. I love to paint.

This is what it looks like now that it's finished. Grandpa and Grandma said they both really liked it. I'm gonna paint Grandma's next. Maybe I'll try to become a painter when I grow up.

Grandma and Granpda love the outdoors. They are always telling us that it is important to take care of our world so that it will be around forever and ever.We don't waste anything in our house. Grandpa Roland also taught us that Family should always come first. I mean you can't take stuff you buy at a store with you when you die anyways. And you don't need a lot of stuff to have fun. We have fun all the time at my house, and we hardly have any "stuff" at all.

So who else is in my family? Well first up is my mom Catherine. She's taught me that it's important to have fun and to always look out for others. It's especially important to stand up to bullies when you see them being mean to other people. And she's also taught me to not worry about what other people think of you. To always be yourself. There's some mean people that make fun of us because we live off the land and cause our parents don't have normal jobs like other parents. But I've learned to just ignore them because you know what? They don't know what they are talking about. Being part of my family is great!

And dad's taught me that it's important to always be willing to try new things. Oh and that anything worth learning about is probably going to be hard. You'll probably need to practice lots and lots of times before you get good at something. Boy is he right about that.

I mean I love soccer, but I'm still not very good at it yet. My older brother Jon makes it look so easy! I guess he's better cause he's had lots more practice than me. One day though I'm gonna win a shoot out.

My older brothers Ellis and Jon. They're pretty cool. What have they taught me? Well Ellis taught me how to sing a nursery rhyme when I was little. And Jon's helping me get better at soccer.

And my twin brother Joshua? Well he's helping me get better at dancing. He's a great dancer.

He's the best dancer in the whole house. Nobody smustles like my Joshi.

I love grandma, but she can't dance. At all.
A/N: This is incredibly amusing to me since Marisa Alpha is a World Class Ballet Dancer. Marisa Prime however...has no rhythm. She falls down....A LOT.

My twin brother's also taught me a lot about literature. He knows all about the best books to read. And he tells the best stories when we sit around the camp fire at night.

There always seem to be people over at our house. It's a ton of fun. My favorite holiday of all is The Day of Cheese. I love having a huge get together with all our friends. Grandpa Roland makes the best Grilled Cheese sandwiches of all time. And we have the most epic water balloon wars ever!

This year my brothers and I played long after the grown-ups had gone back inside to have cheesecake.

Shoo Flee is pretty fun too. It's all about spending time with your family. Our family got our picture taken down by the frozen lake. And we went ice skating.

And the day before my big brother Ellis got to meet aliens. I thought that was pretty cool. Grandma Marisa didn't like it one bit.

Mom thought it was hilarious!

Ellis seemed to have fun though. In fact he says he'd love to do it again someday. He's been using the signal the aliens taught him every night trying to meet other alien ships. Some of them are supposed to go some really neat places. Mom wants him to meet aliens again too because he forgot to take pictures. Grandma Marisa said mom was nuts. Grandpa just laughed.

Jon's favorite holiday is Llama Day. I think it's because he has a girlfriend to go places with. Amy's nice though. She brings us our paper. And she really seems to like Jon. They're even going steady now. Mom and dad went steady. I wonder if I'll have a teenage sweetheart when I get older? It sounds so romantic!

Eillis didn't really go out on dates or get a girlfriend. He took a job after school helping at the Retirement Home. Miss Sam seemed to like having the help. Ellis worked really hard and managed to become an EMT at the hospital. My big brother is so smart!

Ellis even got accepted into The Chudda Science Academy. He's the first person in our family to ever go to a school like that.We're all super proud of him.

Jon and Ellis are going to go to college soon. I'm really going to miss them while they are gone. I know Joshi and I will get to join them after two years and that Ellis and Jon will still come home for holidays, but it's still going to be strange not having them around all the time. Our house is gonna feel so empty I know it.

I guess I'll just keep practicing my soccer game so that when Jon comes home for a visit, I'll finally be good enough to beat him! And keep painting of course. I still have to finish a portrait for Grandma, Mom and Dad after all............

So that concludes this chapter of the Parallel Family Legacy. Uh I wish these two wouldn't do this in the family hot tub. It seriously creeps me out. Ahem. Anyway quick stats on the eldest two of Generation 3 in the Prime Hood. And I'm no closer to picking an heir for this generation.....Guess I'll figure out how I'm gonna do that by the end of next rotation.
Ellis Futa (Virgo: 9,2,6,3,5)- Knowledge/Romance, LTW: Be a Space Pirate, Interests: Animals, Sci-fi, Paranormal, Travel, and The Environment, Hobbies: Science
Jon Futa (Cancer: 9,2,10,8,6)  Popularity/Family, LTW: Reach Golden Anniversary, Interests: Sports, Animals, Paranormal, Hobbies: Sports and Music and Dance

prime universe, parallel universe, hunter family, sims 2, chudda, legacy

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