Welcome to Chudda Alpha Entry (3)

Sep 07, 2013 21:29

Welcome back everyone. I think I totally mixed up the names for the hoods in my legacy chapter titles at some point. It was totally bound to happen. Anyway we are back in Chudda Alpha to check in with version two of my generation 2 Catherine Hunter. When last we left her she'd grown up and decided to have a crush on her father's enemy and a pain in my backside in both mini-verses Joe Carr. Doesn't sound familiar? Might want to re-read the last few chapters. Ahem anyway....off we go.

Life at Parallel Estate by Ellis Hunter

This is my house. It's pretty big. There are 7 people in my family. There's my mom, grandma, grandpa, and my three younger sisters. The best part about my house is that there is a basketball hoop in the yard so Jon and I can shoot hoops after school.

That's my mom Catherine. She's a police officer here in Chudda. My mom can play the violin better than anybody else I know. Music and Dance have always been important at my house. Both of my grandparents were dancers when they were younger. I don't want to be a dancer though...I want to play for the Llamas.

This is my grandma Marisa and me when I was a baby. My grandma is the greatest. I love it when she makes Baked Alaska for dessert.

This is my Grandpa Roland. He used to sing nursery rhymes with me and my twin sister Jon all the time.

That's Jon and me spending time with Gradpa. I love being a twin. But I'm glad Jon and I don't look exactly alike like some twins do.

That's our dad Joe Carr. Jon and I have never met him though. I tried to call him once, but mommy said I couldn't. She said it's cause she doesn't know his phone number.

I started taking dance lessons last year from Grandma Marisa. They're pretty fun, but I'd rather play basketball.

Jon and I love basketball so much we'll even play it in the rain. Grandma has a fit when we do, but we always sneak out to do it anyway.

It's fun when Grandpa Roland plays it with us. He's pretty good too for an old man.

That's mom's friend Mr. Gilscarbo. They work together. He's also Joshua and Carol's daddy. He comes to parties sometimes, but I don't know if he'll ever be our daddy...daddy. You know like the kind that lives at your house. Joshua and Carol are my little sisters. They're twins like me and Jon, just younger.

That's Jon and Joshua. They hang out together a lot since they both have "boy" names. Our mom likes peculiar names...or that's what Grandma Marisa says.

And that's my youngest sister Carol. She's really pretty and super quiet. I like to help feed her, sing her nursery rhymes and stuff. Jon and I always try to help the nanny take care of them while mommy's at work. Carol's snuck up on us so many times though. It's really funny. Carol and I both have exotic eyes like Grandpa Roland and mommy.

Have I mentioned that Grandma is super fun yet? I just love hanging out with Grandma.

I love my momma. I just wish she could be home more. But I know she's got a super important job protecting people.

At least I've got a super fantabulous twin sister to hang out with.

And super fun grandparents. I wish they still lived in the house with us, but at least they still come over for visits. But mommy decided they should go live in the retirement home. Grandpa Roland has a hard time remembering stuff, and grandma can't watch him all the time by herself anymore. Mom works too much. And Jon and I are too little to take care of them by ourselves. Or at least that's what mom said. Grandma could have stayed with us, but she didn't want Papa Roland to live by himself so they moved into the Chudda Care Home.

I ride my bike down to see them every Saturday though. They seem to love it when I read them books. There's a super nice nurse at the Chudda Care Home named Miss Gem. She's got the coolest looking ears. I wish I had pointed ears. She's super funny.

So that's it. This has been Ellis Hunter. Everyone have a pleasant tomorrow!

parallel universe, hunter family, legacy challenge, sims 2, chudda, boolprop

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