Mar 06, 2005 15:21
!! Basics !!
First Name: joseph
Middle Name: carey
Age: Sixteen
Born on: aug. 15, 1988
Class of: 2006
How long is ur hair: longer than most think
Hair Color: black blue
Eye Color: blue
Screen Name: haimnotthatdumb4u
!! Favorites !!
Movie: diary of a mad black woman
TV show: American Idol
Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Band: i like ^^^^ by Green Day
Singer: josh gracin, Alanis Moristte
Color: blue/green
Number: 21
Animal: dogs
Food: Mac & Cheese
Drink: water
Sport Team: umm is stamp a sports team
School Subject: holocaust
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. M
!! This OR That !!
Mountain Dew OR Sprite: Mountain Dew the red kind
Pen OR Pencil: Pencil to draw pen to write
Brush OR Comb: Comb
Bush OR Kerry: Bush
Dog OR Cat: dog
Ham OR Turkey: Neither
Blonde OR Brunette: Brunette
Keyboard OR type writer: Keyboard duh
Roses OR Daisies: dead roses are sexy
Hot OR Cold: hot anything BUT COLD
Spring OR Fall: Spring
Chocolate OR Vanilla: chocolate
Banana OR Pickel: banana
Cookies n Cream OR Cookie Dough: Cookie Dough
Chocolate Chip Or Oreo: cholcolate chip
Big Brother OR Survivor: Survivor
Country OR Rap: any thing i understnad and yes i understand BOTH
Sweet OR Sour: Sour
!! Friends !!
Shy: stacy
Athletic: amanda
Drama Queen: trina
Loudest: "It's a competition between me and Bev. HAHA." says Sam
Quietest: Stacy
Smartest: kristal
Dumbest: "I was the only one who didn't make NHS. So me." says sam but i didn't make it either so me too
Gayest: umm all my gay friends are pretty gay
Flirtest: me i guess and alison
Best Smile: idk i guess who ever brushes
Maturest: kristal
Best: no best friends just friends
Knows the most about you: amanda
Can keep a secret: all my friends or so i thought
You see the most in school: amanda
You see the most outside of school: amanda
Most Addicted to AOL: Bev, since she has AOL ... lmao.
Most reliable: Meghan
Tallest: Marc
Shortest: Stacy
Weirdest: We're all a little weird
Craziest: sam
Hyperest: ^^^
!! Random !!
What color are your toe nails? The color of a normal toe nail.
Whats your favorite flavor Gatorade? i don't like Gatorade too yucky for me
Do you save your money? uh huh until someone needs some
Have you ever failed a class? nope
If So.. Which one? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Are you an only child? nope
If not.. How many siblings do you have and whats there name and how old are they? One; bridget; 19
Did you ever play with Nano's or Tomagotchi's when you were little? OMG YEA I fed mine too much and it died because it pooped too much and i didn't wana clean it up
Did you enjoy this quiz? ^^^^^^^memories *tear*^^^^^^^^^^ so yea
Are you glad its over? forever and for always