dear space and time,
I have begun to think about writing to you again. Not that I had officially stopped, but I think we can both (all of us?) agree that my frequency is less than, say, I don't know, something frequent, like eating or putting on shoes or wishing I had a copy of "The Point." the cartoon, not the album. I have the album. Trippy cartoons from 1971. Like "Yellow Submarine" with more of a story and mushrooms instead of acid.
audio ref one Perhaps, well, perhaps not, but I guess it's safe to say that my thoughts of writing to you consist mostly of me listing things and or people that I am involved with, things that have been keeping me busy. Records and Girls, the only two things capable of retaining my interest for more than an hour. I have decided, but not until my beginning of this correspondence, that I will do no such thing, at least not yet, because that is unusually tacky, to call ones friends to gloat about this or that, or, more properly, to convince onelself that one has things worth gloating about. "Such and such person is famous!" "Such and such girl is pretty!" "So and so is back in town," etc. Tacky, really, so I will have to properly re-establish the friendship, however one-sided, between you and I, you being my journal, and the space and time that allow it to be available to other yous, before I dish out all the dish.
audio ref two The other day I was at the Thrift Store and found a paperback copy of "High Fidelity," which I have been told on many occasions to read, and I finally did today. I am always wary of things people tell me remind them of me, because I usually see the connection but disapprove of it somehow, it's always too easy. I liked the book though, and I think I like Hornby in general - he's read a thing or two on
This American Life that I've liked.
Anyway, I've been working very hard lately, and I'm very tired. Goodnight for now!