Getting things done!

Jun 30, 2007 17:18

I feel so accomplished today. I managed to:

-Sell Sam's bassinet (the one in which he refused to sleep) to a local couple via Craigslist. We also gave them our extra bouncy seat. They were really nice. I truly couldn't tell whether the woman was pregnant, so I asked her if she was expecting or if her baby had already been born. She said she was expecting. When I then asked if she was still in her first trimester, her whole face lit up and she said to her husband, "I guess I'm not as fat as I thought I was!" Glad I could make someone feel good about herself. God knows pregnant women need every compliment they can get, considering how many people treat them like cows.

-Figure out a travel route for our trip.

-Make hotel reservations for our trip.

-Grade a bunch of papers.

I did all of this while taking care of Sam. Trent's very busy today with work, so Sam and I have been hanging out. Luckily, he decided to take a four-hour nap this afternoon.

Oh. And speaking of Sam, I think we need to call him "Sam the Ham". Those people came over to pick up the bassinet, and he suddenly started smiling, cooing, and lifting his head to look around. He was practically the poster child for babyhood.

Then they left, and he started to cry. Heh.
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