Dec 29, 2003 12:22
Yaoi fans disgust me. I've got nothing against yaoi, obviously but it's so disgusting how far these obsessed freaks take it. Especially girls. Why? WHY?! A friend of mine gave me a comic someone made about yaoi.. and I wish I could find it because it makes a good point.
Basically, this girl's drawing yaoi and this guy asks her why she's doing that and she goes on about how all the yaoi boys are cute and she hopes she can have one and he asks her that if one wants her then it doesn't make it yaoi anymore. A panel goes with silence then her head explodes.
Yes. I love that. But seriously. Some yaoi freaks on Gaia have started a yaoi pet in the Breedable / Changeables and all threads are supposed to be PG-13 and they keep doing all this nasty, explicit crap on there that makes me gag. I don't plan on going to rat them out or anything but come on. Yaoi isn't that fucking great. And most of the time, all these "fan boys" are just girls. e_e;