Mar 13, 2008 16:53
Thanks to a sudden violent upswing in the amount of work I have to do at work (gee, imagine that) and the fact that suddenly there are a million things to do outside of work, my writing output has been severely curtailed.
At the moment I'm not writing anything. No sir, I don't like it. But hmmm... am I not writing because I'm depressed, or am I depressed because I'm not writing?
Anyway, I'm going to try to yank some control back into my life and write a little Ritual story sometime soon, perhaps over the weekend. It's naughty misbehavior, when I should be working more on the novel, but I have a sleazy book to read about Morrissey and Johnny Marr and the tensions between them which led to the breakup of the Smiths, and I feel like I should read that before I write the next chapter. (Mmm, original slash, my favorite.)
In the meantime, Ritual is just free-form poetry. I genuinely will pull off a PWP, because the plot's already there (it will cover the hour or so that I didn't address that comes in the middle of Ritual (7), "Vermont", as I've had some ideas there). Same old same old, and yet, a completely different approach to the material than I had before.
In other irrelevancy news, I might be coming down with the flu...
I miss my show. I want to curl up in a blanket and watch the entire Claude arc. I think he meant you, friend.
status report,