The results of the
Heroes Slash Awards were announced day before yesterday - and I won for "Ganymede and Endymion" and "Montreal", for Best Peter/Adam (R-NC-17 rating)! (And runner-up for a couple of other categories...!)
Thanks to everyone who voted, and I'm incredibly glad you liked my stuff. I am also incredibly jazzed to see so many of the fics I voted for having won in their respective categories - there was just too much to see and vote on, but I did my best (and had a lot of fun in the process)!
I do confess, though, that I have the feeling that my particular naming convention for Ritual has cost me readers... I'm sure a lot of folks don't want to look at the new stories that I post, because they think it's thirty chapters into a single story for which they have to read the entire 100K-word backstory, and that's just not the case at all. I never meant for Ritual to be seen as a multi-chapter fic; each Ritual is a complete story in and of itself, and almost none of them require knowledge of the other stories to be understood or appreciated. And I worked so hard to make each story self-contained for exactly that purpose, but because the titles are structured they way they are (type:series:number:title), it looks daunting. Live and learn, I guess. I'm just lucky, and grateful, that anybody read any of them at all, and I hope that the stories have staying power and can be rediscovered by Heroes fans for as long as the series has fans, old and new (the way I ran across my favorite Buffy and X-Files fics, years after they were originally written and posted).
Congrats to all the other winners and nominees! I'm happy and honored to be amongst you. Long live Heroes fandom!