Sep 12, 2007 08:47
hey robotfriends,
Ritual (16), which I just started, is going to be a hell of a challenging fic, concerning the very early days of Peter and Nathan's relationship, while Peter first begins to act on his attraction to Nathan, and Nathan is injured, in pain and going through some fairly severe PTSD. It's not my usual grown-up smut; more adolescent sexual feelings and actions (emphasis on the "adolescent") and repeated themes of war, nightmares, and guilt.
In the interest of protecting all those impressionable minds out there, it will be a friends-locked post.
If you specifically do NOT want to read it, let me know, and I can set up a custom access list. You won't be off my f-list if you don't want to read it, of course - you just don't have to see the story at all. And if you ever change your mind, it's easy enough to give you access - just let me know.
If enough people read it and assure me it's not that terrible, I may public-post, and maybe even post it in a fic comm that would be okay with it. But that would only come later.
anyway, speak up in the comments.
I hope to get some work done on (16) today, since I'm stuck at home sick (actually sick, not faking it to skive off work!)... if I can, I'll be pleased... I just don't want to throw up anymore. I'm really done with that whole side of things. I'd like to get to the "sleeping" part, or maybe the "head full of drugs, computer on lap, writing between sips of hot broth, cackling" part.
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