Jan 04, 2010 15:18
No really, I am excited. I may feel the need to do my happy dance on the down low these days (I've already received my kicking for daring to be impressed by the technical achievement of AVATAR, even as I point out what's lacking in it - it was conveniently ignored in favor of fist-shaking outrage... which... *sigh* whatever, get in line), but I am psyched! SHOOOOOOW! It's been too long! Too long I say! And it's been quite grim and sad, really, since I dislike holidays at the best of times, and this year's slate had absolutely nothing to recommend it. I've been sick for six weeks and it's been hell and my mood has been in the toilet. But I do have my collection of really lovely Milo, Adrian, and Zachary pictures. (Not enough Adrian. Somebody help me.)
I did my rewatch last weekend (no, not this last weekend; the weekend previous, on Boxing Day) and it was wonderful. I don't think I came up with more points of discussion, or questions, that didn't make it into the livecaps, except for the teeny little niggling question - What the eff IS Samuel's ability? I mean, really? How does he do the things he does - like whisking Sylar away from the pursuing cops, grabbing Tracy off a sunny Georgia small-town street and plonking her in the middle of a nighttime carnival... Because, y'know, that's not telekinesis.
Anyway, let's see. Let's see what Pete does. Let's see what Hiro does. Let's see if Bennet polishes the rust off his massive steel balls (because, really, think about it - it's NOAH BENNET. HRG. Will kill a friend as soon as look at him. Balls. Of. Steel.) Let's see how Mohinder does in the rubber room. Let's see what the fate of the various female love interests are. Let's see if Angela gets to walk away from this. Let's see if Tracy... well, let's see what she's wearing. I'm sorry! It's true. I can't explain or excuse. Do something. Have something really compelling to do. Don't let it be too late. Even though it's totally too late.
Let's see if NBC decides to keep their high-budget punching bag around for another season. A really big part of me hopes not. I feel like a former super-fabulous drag queen, forced back into the closet, and reduced to wearing an ill-fitting business suit five years out of style. I will always feel like the show's failures are my own fault - I didn't love it enough, I didn't promote it enough, I didn't work hard enough to get down there and make sure that Kring & the Gang were truly doing the best they could. Or maybe I loved it too much. Maybe I tainted it by being so "out" about it. Maybe I should have just kept quiet. But I couldn't! I couldn't be silent about my passionate, dizzy, tangled, transcendent forever love! But boy howdy, I've learned.
And that, my friends, is an awful, terrible shame. And that really is my fault.
Anyway... bring it on... livecap tonite!!
hiatus is killing me,
monday yay,
season four,