More notes from my rewatch just now: Speculation, observations, actor identifications, and, now more than ever, sexually objectifying Milo Ventimiglia.
Welcome to the planet of mutants! Who does the previously this week, and why can't I recognize his voice?
Becky Taylor is the name of our carny. Her ability is way too interesting - she can teleport AND be invisible, which is a couple of steps up from any abilities we've seen so far. Played by Tessa Thompson, who was also on Veronica Mars, she is treading the line of skeezy, and is more evidence than we've had before that Samuel and the Carnies are Bad News. Or at least Bad Ass, cold-blooded mofos that Noah Bennet would be proud to have as colleagues. What Sammy wants, Sammy gets, and kill anybody in the way. Samuel is the bossman, Barnum and Mussolini all rolled up in one, and you'd best not cross him. Most of the carnies adore him unthinkingly; he saved their lives, right? But Lydia and Edgar are starting to get annoyed with this arrangement, and are crazyinlove besides, which is a combination perfect for a bloodbath. OK, show? Am I right? Let's check in on that later.
I really liked Hayden's performance here; the intense fakeness of her enthusiasm, just barely concealing the fact that she thinks Gretchen is repulsive, is just way too true to life. And yet she's really got it polished to a burnished sheen; almost too much so. Really, her best skills lie in beating people up, running, and crying; she can nail all of those and make them genuine, besides. No, it's not an enormous range; she should really be studying actors like Barbara Stanwyck and Jodie Foster if she wants to be an acting badass by 25. But I don't know if she cares; I don't know if she's more interested in being an entertainer than being a serious actor. She's coasting on her professionalism, competence, talent, and hotness (which should be enough, right? No, it's not; ask Leonardo diCaprio); she is capable of greater. Anyway, enough of my ideas about what Hayden should do; it's up to her. I just know what I'd like to see.
Ernie Hudson's character is named Captain Lubbock (and Dr. Verheiden coudn't be there; when are they just going to give in and name somebody Kring? Go on, what could be the harm? Because there are so many people named Verheiden in the world that name'll just go by. Or how about Roddenberry? Or Asimov? It's OK! I don't mind! Keep the references comin'! Because Heroes, the show, is also a game called Just How Big of a Nerd Are You? and I'm winning). (Tell me again why they didn't hire Wil Wheaton?)
Sylar's helpful shrink is named Gibson. And we last saw Christine Adams as the champion dog breeder who thoroughly tops the smitten Emerson Cod on a very fine, very sexy, and subtextually very kinky Pushing Daisies episode (i.e. a Pushing Daisies episode; I can't think of a bad one in the bunch. No pun intended.)
Peter trying to speedster-run when he can't is one of the most delightful bits of superhero-but-still-human based comedy I've seen on his show for a long time. There did use to be lots of that. Remember that? I miss that. Also Milo looks really cute when he runs because he's so bowlegged. I'm willing to suspend disbelief on the sound-gauze not being visible all the time that there's any sound, though; but that's a Heroes thing, very few powers actually work at all times. They mostly have to will them into place. (A nice way of saying that their abilities serve as plot dictates.) I guess he was concentrating hard on his ability then, not knowing which one he now had. Innnnnteresting take on cognitive abilities in general. I could just be fanwanking, but it's enough to get me thinking.
Samuel's whole M.O. and ability is dirt. I think that's fabulous. And quite a potent slashfic prompt idea.
The fact that Madeline Zima can make a line like "Mix Master Me" actually work is to her credit. I don't know how that happened. I do have to say that I wonder how Gretchen and Claire's relationship will change after the smooching and the apologizing and the hopefully figuring it out (She did say that "there's a pattern"); knowing Claire, she'll do some yelling, take some shit personally when she shouldn't, and end up either saving Gretchen's life or getting her killed. These Petrellis never learn; they are POISON, y'all. Do NOT hook up with them.
WHAT UP SYLAR, RUBBING HANDCUFFS ON HIS FACE. Jumpin' Jehosephat. Just wow. Hey, Mr. Quinto, busy tonight or any other? You pretty much just had kinky sex with a large proportion of the viewing audience; I hope they enjoyed it. I did.
Re: Pete, Emma, and the Greatest American Hero choir: The music here is beautiful (once we get past the theme song and youthful dissonance), and Milo pours on the beauty like mad. Big eyes, sexy half-smile, the lip-bite, the works. They are having a beautiful acid trip together, and I always find that romantic. And yet Emma just doesn't quite grok it. What the hell; I'd be crawling toward him on my hands and knees. Oh Milo, you're a superstar and you know it. Smug bastard. Those childhood piano lessons came in handy, didn't they? (Anything that lets me look at Milo's hands is a good thing.) Peter was doing so well until he decided he was going in for the kill, perhaps even subconsciously; he has a predatory kind of approach to women that he absolutely got from his family. He comes across as a little intense.
Speaking of intense, Emma's supplemental ability - the ability to direct sound kinetically - is fantastic. She is not getting the deposit back on that apartment, but I wonder what else she can rip in half with the power of her cello.
I'd feel sorry for Sylar if he didn't just step into Narnia. Oh, he is going to have such fun with those guys.
Please, show, just be good. That's all I ask. Quality episodes like this one. I'll take what I can get, no matter what, but it's episodes like this that make me fight for you.