Title: Ritual (7): Christmas at the Coopers'
Pairing: Nathan/Peter
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: One minor spoiler for 1-3: "One Giant Leap"
Warnings: Strong adult themes and language, incest, explicit sex, underage character, alcohol use
Word Count: about 3800
A/N: Written by anonymous request to elaborate something referred to in Ritual (4). Peter's
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Comments 40
(p.s. You don't I don't mean you when I write about people writing bad Petrellicest, right? 'Cause you at least make it dark and weird and mentally fucked, it's not all "tee hee, here is my fluffy PWP about brothers fucking!")
This turned out so well, I'm so glad you wrote it, so so glad.
I think you showed how their relationship has progressed very well. I love how you write Nathan. A lot of people will see him as the stronger of the 2, but you show him having a weakness, I LOVE that about your Nathan. I like when both of them are not so stable.. but it's something more when the one who is supposed to be holding things together.. is actually falling apart.
I think you should post this in communities, I think people will really enjoy it. I also think that it isn't so controversial.. so you could probably post it in any one of the Heroes Slash or Petrellicest communities.
I absolutely love it, sweetheart.
And your first guess is closer, but again I don't want to say... and no way in hell is Nathan stronger. The only person who knows that besides Nathan and Peter is their mom, who... well... has her own reasons for keeping an eye on them.
Still, this is most of what I wanted to add anyway - besides a "thanks" -
( ... )
That'll teach me to be nice.
That photo is truly inspirational. Now I'm gonna have to read this again knowing what you were picturing when writing.
That is a very high compliment - I am glad you gave my stuff a chance in the first place. Thank you for reading!
I think it's funny, personally, and very inspirational, obviously. :)
First of all, there's almost nothing that can't be overcome with such excellent writing. Secondly, yeah, if you're totally in for seriously smutty 'cest there rarely much farther to wander ;)
This fic is brutal and beautiful and I'm almost as sad that there's only one installment yet--or, as of yet--as I was when I realized I was looking down the barrel of an entire summer of no Heroes (she says, pretending she hasn't mainlined the series in the past three weeks and let it happily eat away her higher brain functions).
If only I could have paced myself...but I just can't stop. I'm glad you have more fic :D
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