Dear Blizzard Entertainment,
Aevista does not find your April Fools antics amusing.
In other news, I have nothing of tremendous interest to report.
~*~ Both the HC and I are in agreement that life at home is magically fantastical, but life at work is craptastically lamesauce. Dear Universe, please to be helping with the winning of the lottery, kthnx.
~*~ We've got Big Plans to vastly improve the appearance of our back yard this summer, and so far our preliminary efforts are coming along splendidly.
~*~ Two months of having Quit Smoking = meh. Some days are more difficult than others. *shrug*
~*~ My feelings regarding the Aytchwastaken continue to be that Things will be whatever they're meant to be, and in the meantime we should all eat cake. Or pie. Or bacon. With gravy and mashed potatoes. Holy garfunkle, I'm hungry. =\
~*~ I keep waiting for the weather to quit being so sporadically ugly so that I can schedule Matthew from On The Spot to come detail Sirius. Then I remember that I live in New Mexico and the favorable meteorological conditions I have envisioned are a myth.
~*~ We are supposed to go see Alice in Wonderland (shown in RealD 3D! For The Price Of Your First Born Child!) at the C24 tonight, but I've been feeling craptastic all day and it doesn't seem to be improving as the day goes on. Perhaps we'll stay home, save the money (which is all going to the IRS next week anyway) and enjoy some more episodes of Breaking Bad season two.
~*~ Yay! I wrote words and posted them! *spins in circles*
*falls over*
*lays there for a while thinking about mashed potatoes with bacon gravy*
The End.