(no subject)

Jun 12, 2008 13:34

The Writer's Block question today is: What was your favorite game as a child? What's your favorite now?

I never do the Writer's Block questions, but upon reading this one, the strangest memory popped into my head:

Summer afternoons on our 'lawn' playing with being attacked by
Willy Waterbug

Willy was kind of a catch 22: alluring plastic head tentacles flailing around and spraying you with refreshing water on a hot summer afternoon / alluring plastic head tentacles that got really hot in the sun and stung like a bitch when they flayed the tender skin on your calves as you ran past.

Anyway, most of you know that Candy Land was my favorite game as a child. I still hold on tightly to the fantasy that I'll get drunk on tequila and kick the ass of whichever poor bastard is unfortunate enough to get suckered into playing with me at my next party.

In other news, I woke up with REM's Sweetness Follows in my head, on repeat. Aytch once told me that friends don't let friends post REM lyrics. He was looking out for my best interests, I'm sure. =D

It's really a pretty song. I used to be a huge REM fangirl, but it's been years since I've purposefully queued up anything of theirs in iTunes. The entire Automatic for the People album is effing depressing.

Finally, I leave you with this piece of advice: Velcro cable wraps may seem like a viable substitute for hair ties, but really - not so much. Turns out that Velcro and hair are non-mixy things. Ow. =\
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