heidimountain! I finally answered those questions!
1. If you ever had the opportunity to do acid again, would you?
Erm. Probably not. Actually, about 98% not. I mean, it was good times back in the day, but my head is far too fucked up now that I'm all old and have all these insecurities and shit. I would probably totally flip out and go beyond crazy. Plus, I don't think I could handle the hangover the next day. I'll stick with excessive drinking, which I know how to do well and for which the risk of a total crazy flip-out is far less.
2. If you could book the best concert of all time, who would play?
It would have to be around three hours (two hours is too short, and any more than three would be overkill) with each artist/band getting approximately 20 minutes each (give or take):
Part 1 Neutral Milk Hotel/Pink Floyd (with Syd, not Roger)/Belle & Sebastian
Part 2 Mozart/Haydn/Vivaldi (at this point in the concert there would be hundreds of little waiter dudes running around with plates of various cheeses, fruits, and finger sammiches)
Part 3 DJ Krush/RJD2/DJ Shadow
3. What is your favorite food to cook?
Anything that requires multiple steps and fancy techniques and/or words like Chiffonade.
4. What is your favorite wine/martini?
Wine = As long as it's dry and red I'm generally good with it.
Martini = Bombay Sapphire, clean and dry, two olives
5. Which is sexier, shoes or a corset?
I canna pick just one!
*picks both*
*runs away*