Y'all are failing to amuse Mischief.
Well, except for
ilford who posted a link to Roger The Duck and his whirlwind adventure in Canada.
Spec went to sleep.
Aytch is probably downloading pr0n doing his 'homework' although he did
aytchwastaken: Exxon posts a 10.7 billion dollar profit.
mystery_skies: Yeppers
mystery_skies: Pffft. Speak for yerself. I <3 Exxon.
aytchwastaken: I'm wearing my asbestos sunglasses. I couldn't even see the flame you just typed.
mystery_skies: You want I should type it again?
mystery_skies: ZOMG I <3 <3 EXXON
aytchwastaken: Wouldn't matter.
aytchwastaken: Your dirty lies affect me not.
mystery_skies: Oh, but they do. I know they do.
mystery_skies: =P
aytchwastaken: pffft
aytchwastaken: pfft and poppycock!
mystery_skies: I've shattered all your illusions about me
mystery_skies: I <3 GW Bush as well
aytchwastaken: You do drive an SUV...
mystery_skies: Yup
mystery_skies: And I kill baby seals and hunt spotted owles
mystery_skies: owls?
aytchwastaken: owls*
mystery_skies: Those things with the feathers
mystery_skies: And, I eat babies.
mystery_skies: With non organic jam
mystery_skies: While I'm shopping at Walmart
mystery_skies: On my cell phone
aytchwastaken: ha! you have no cell phone.
mystery_skies: Maybe I do, but I just don't ever call you on it
mystery_skies: Cause yer one o' them tree hugging hippies
aytchwastaken: Nope.
aytchwastaken: Lies.
mystery_skies: Maybe, I don't like you because you pose a threat to my love of Ken Lay
mystery_skies: And, maybe I spend my days listening to Britney Spears
aytchwastaken: Liar
mystery_skies: Pfft
mystery_skies: You don't know
mystery_skies: I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush But it doesn't mean that I'm serious 'Cause to lose all my senses That is just so typically me Oh baby, baby
mystery_skies: OMG I freakin' <3 that song
aytchwastaken: :))
aytchwastaken: is that ABBA?
mystery_skies: No. It's BRITNEY. My homegirl. My bestest friend evar.
mystery_skies: I hang out with her and Moby on the weekends
aytchwastaken: You're just all kinds of snarky tonight =P
mystery_skies: Lies
mystery_skies: I'm just letting all the dirty little truths out
mystery_skies: This is the real me baby.
mystery_skies: Yup
aytchwastaken: O.o
aytchwastaken: This is like watching a movie. It's that thing where you have to allow yourself to believe the bullshit, right?
mystery_skies: Negatory
mystery_skies: I'm jammin' to Britney right now, and reading Kenneth Lay fanfic
mystery_skies: Crunching on some fresh killed spotted owl
mystery_skies: Watching my stocks in Exxon bring in the $$
aytchwastaken: nice
mystery_skies: Mmmmmm Coors Light
aytchwastaken: ROFL
mystery_skies: Good stuff that is
mystery_skies: Smokin a Lucky Strike and thinkin' about buying me a mobile home
aytchwastaken: Good times, yes indeed.
mystery_skies: =P
mystery_skies: You know it
mystery_skies: You want to join me in my mobile home and drink of my Coors Light and read my naughty fanfic
aytchwastaken: Not the Ken Lay fic. I'm totally into the Cheney/Rumsfield stuff
mystery_skies: Oh! I knew it!!!
mystery_skies: Naughty boy
My HC is in bed, sick with what is most likely food poisoning.
And whereas I have had two glasses of wine and could attempt to woo you all with a thrilling tale of my newfound love for our kick ass vacuum cleaner of awesomeness, I think I will just go to bed and read a powerful and entertaining book about...smallpox.