Bet'cha wanna put your name on it

Jul 08, 2012 13:54

Title: Bet'cha wanna put your name on it
Author: mystery
Pairing: Baekyeol
Rating: R/NC-17
Genre: Humor, fluff, smut
Warning(s): icing-covered Chanyeol
Summary: 3 times Joonmyun doesn't mind kind of walking in on Baekyeol and one time he gets mentally scarred forever. At least he got to know what he wanted.
Author’s Note: This started off as a random cute drabble, but well... I need to prove top!Baek to my friend and I was listening to Birthday Cake, so it turned into this
Fanfiction Masterlist


Chanyeol walked up to Baekhyun and stuck a finger in his side, hard. Baekhyun jumped to the side and glared at the taller.


Baekhyun’s mouth fell open as he forgot what he was about to say. “What?”

Chanyeol grinned his creepy grin. “Poke,” he repeated. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

“What was that for? It hurt!”

Chanyeol’s smile didn’t fall as he reached out to poke Baekhyun again, but Baekhyun noticed that he was gentler this time. “You’re supposed to poke me back. We’ll have a poke war.”

Baekhyun stared. Then he slowly lifted his hand and poked Chanyeol’s stomach, “Poke.”

Chanyeol pouted. “You’re no fun.”

Joonmyun watched from the doorway of his and Sehun’s shared room as Chanyeol disappeared into the kitchen, still pouting, and Baekhyun stared after him with wide, confused eyes. He smiled to himself as he thought of how naïve and innocent Chanyeol really was.


“Baekhyunnie why are you still awake,” Chanyeol said groggily as he leaned against the doorway into the kitchen. Baekhyun looked up from the book that was spread out on the table, eyes a little widened with shock.

“Oh,” he said softly. “Is it that late already? I’m sorry; I was caught up in the book.”

Chanyeol sighed and walked into the kitchen as Baekhyun offered a small, apologetic smile. “Baekhyunnie come to bed with me,” he pleaded in a low murmur with that stupid deep voice of his before he leaned down and fitted his lips against Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun stood up and put his hands around Chanyeol’s neck as he tilted his head and parted his lips, inviting Chanyeol’s tongue into his mouth. Chanyeol let out a small sigh as his arms wrapped around Baekhyun’s hips, his hands resting dangerously close to the elder’s butt.

“No, really,” Chanyeol murmured when they parted. “I’m lonely. Come to bed now.”

As the two passed him in the hallway, Joonmyun pressed himself against the wall behind the coatrack and heaved a sigh of relief when they didn’t notice him. He’d rather not be caught when he’d just realized that Baekhyun and Chanyeol was a couple. He wasn’t sure whether it meant more trouble, because he had to make sure they weren’t discovered or less trouble, because they looked after each other.


Everything was silent in Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s room - was, until Chanyeol’s stomach grumbled loudly. Baekhyun glanced up from his book and chuckled a little.

“Hungry?” he asked. There was a dejected hum from Chanyeol.

Joonmyun paused outside their room. He was starting to get worried that he’d imagined the whole couple thing or, even worse, they’d broken up. He shook the thought from his head as he knocked on their door with his usual smile on to tell them that Kyungsoo was serving dinner in five minutes.


To say that Baekhyun got a shock when he came home from vocal practice and walked into his and Chanyeol’s room only to find a naked Chanyeol spread eagle on the bed, covered in something that looked like cake icing.

He squeaked and took a quick step inside, making sure to close the door behind himself. Chanyeol turned his head at the sound and Baekhyun nearly moaned merely at the sight of Chanyeol’s hooded, lustful eyes and the little smirk on his lips.

“Hey baby,” Chanyeol greeted, his voice sending shivers down Baekhyun’s spine as he stepped forward, willing his knees not to give in, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Chanyeol’s smirk widened when all Baekhyun did was stare at him. “Come on,” he urged teasingly, “I know you wanna put your name on it.”

Baekhyun did moan at that as he sank to his knees and lifted his hand to trail a big, pretty BAEKHYUN on the icing on Chanyeol’s chest. Chanyeol hummed appreciatively as he looked down, nearly going cross eyed and Baekhyun chuckled at his dorky boyfriend.

Chanyeol’s head lolled to the side with a satisfied sigh when Baekhyun climbed onto the bed and straddled his naked thighs, leaning forward to slowly lick the icing off.

Once it was all off, everything went pretty quickly. Baekhyun’s clothes were spread around the room - one landed on the lamp in the ceiling, but it wasn’t like either of them cared - and Chanyeol took the vocalist’s perfect fingers in his mouth, coating them with saliva before he turned onto all four and stuck his ass in the air.

“In me, Baek,” he moaned, and it took all of Baekhyun’s willpower to not just ram into him right then and there.

After some rather sloppy preparing - Chanyeol was just so impatient - Baekhyun finally got to be inside him.

He fucked the younger slow, but hard enough to almost make the headboard slam into the wall. Chanyeol buried his face in the pillow in front of him to hide his moans when Baekhyun changed the angle and hit his sweet spot.

It didn’t take Chanyeol long to come when Baekhyun leaned forward and wrapped a hand around his erection to jerk him off in time with his thrusts. Baekhyun followed pretty soon, the clenching of Chanyeol around him and there mere thought that he could make Chanyeol feel that way enough to push him off the edge.

The two collapsed on the bed and immediately cuddled up to each other; Chanyeol throwing a long leg over Baekhyun’s hip to bring him as close as possible. “I love you, Baek,” he murmured into the other’s hair and Baekhyun gave a tired giggle.

“I love you too, Yeol.”

Once he was certain the two boys were fast asleep, Joonmyun stumbled out of Chanyeol’s closet on stiff legs. He’d hidden in there when Chanyeol came home, as he’d rather not be caught looking for evidence that the two were still a couple, and then he’d had to witness it all; how Chanyeol talked to himself and jerked off slightly to prepare his surprise, Baekhyun’s reaction when he came home - all off it. It was a rather traumatizing experience, even if he’d made sure to keep his eyes closed.

Well, he thought to himself as he exited the room and made for his own, at least now I know they’re still together.

And Chanyeol was obviously not as innocent as he’d originally thought, even if that was something he’d rather not know.

fandom: exo, genre: humor, fanfiction: oneshot, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: fluff, rating: nc-17, genre: smut

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