Happy Ending

Jun 05, 2012 20:36

Title: Happy Ending
Author: mystery
Pairing: Baekyeol
Rating: G
Genre: Drabble (478w), angst, AU
Disclaimer: Really now. I think you’d know.
Warning(s): Character death kind of
Summary: So much for my happy ending.
Author’s Note: Supposedly inspired by Avril Lavigne's My Happy Ending, but something happened halfway through this OTL
Fanfiction Masterlist


”Let’s break up.”

Baekhyun’s fork falls to his plate with a loud clatter as he freezes in shock and stares at Chanyeol across the table. The taller boy is looking at his plate as he shoves forkful after forkful into his mouth, acting as if nothing is out of place.

“What?” Baekhyun breathes, unable to believe his ears. He doesn’t want to believe it, he refuses to! Chanyeol looks up briefly from underneath his bangs and Baekhyun can see the serious look in his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything.

Baekhyun’s head is spinning. Why is Chanyeol so silent? He’s never this silent, even when he eats - and what’s with that look? Chanyeol is never this serious either. He feels his stomach revolting and nausea rising in his throat as he realizes that Chanyeol is serious about this - let’s break up, he said. And he meant it.

“Let’s talk about this,” he pleads when Chanyeol finishes his food. Chanyeol doesn’t even look at him as he gets up from the table and methodically washes his plate before walking in the direction of the living room. Baekhyun abandons his half-eaten, cold meal at the table and follows him.

“Chanyeol, come on. Please! Was it me? Something I said? Why do you want to break up?” he asks, sitting down next to Chanyeol on the couch. Without looking at him, Chanyeol reaches for the remote and turns on the TV, changing the channel to the news.

Baekhyun is overcome by a sudden wave of rage and lunges for the remote, wringing it out of Chanyeol’s hands and turning the TV off again. The sudden silence is deafening. “Fucking talk to me!” he roars and finally gets a reaction out of Chanyeol as the other looks a little taken aback. Baekhyun has never yelled at him before. “We worked so hard for this! I thought you were happy? Please, please just tell me what’s wrong!”

But Chanyeol only shakes his head. “Kyungsoo and Joonmyun are coming over tomorrow to help me pack.”

And that’s when Baekhyun breaks apart right in front of Chanyeol’s eyes. He’s silent at first, sitting still as shock holds him in place, tears slowly welling up in his eyes and running down his cheeks as the younger’s statement gets to him. Then he lets out a scream and buries his face in his hand, tears at his hair, sobs into his hands. Chanyeol says nothing as he watches him, but after a moment or so he reaches out and pulls him into his arms.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers and kisses the top of Baekhyun’s head, but he doesn’t take back what he said.

It isn’t until a year later that Kyungsoo tells Baekhyun that Chanyeol did it to protect him. Baekhyun would have been killed if Chanyeol hadn’t left him.

Instead it was Chanyeol who died.

genre: au, fandom: exo, fanfiction: drabble, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: angst, rating: g

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