Birthday drabble for Himchan

Apr 18, 2012 17:19

Title: Happy Birthday Kim Himchan!
Author: mystery
Pairing: hinted!HimJae
Rating: G
Genre: Drabble (246w), fluff
Disclaimer: Really now. I think you’d know.
Warning(s): None
Summary: Happy birthday Himchan~
Author’s Note: Quick birthday drabble for Himchan ^___^ would've made it into a oneshot, but I think I would've ruined it then OTL
Fanfiction Masterlist


Himchan wakes up to a loud, obnoxious version of Happy Birthday. He finally opens his eyes to glare when Daehyun decides to drag the last note out as long as possible, making it ear-piercingly loud and high-pitched in the process. Daehyun cuts off to grin at him when Himchan growls.

“Oh, you’re awake,” he says and Himchan suppresses the urge to suffocate him with his pillow. It’s too early in the morning for that.

“Happy birthday, hyung!” someone shrieks and then Himchan has a lapful of Junhong. A lapful of Junhong hugging him so tight he can barely breathe. The youngest finally lets go when Himchan bites his shoulder, unable to speak nor push him off.

When Junhong backs off to sit next to him, Himchan can finally see the others. Yongguk is smiling that huge, gummy smile at him and Himchan would think it’s too early for that, too, if he wasn’t looking so happy. It might also have something to do with the cake reading Happy Birthday perfect Kim Himchan in his hands.

He also doesn’t mind the next time he gets a lapful of someone, but that might be because it’s Youngjae and Youngjae always smells really good.

“Happy birthday Himchan-hyung,” Youngjae mumbles in his ear when he breaks away and Himchan feels his lips part in a stupid grin against his will.

Maybe the day won’t be so bad, despite Daehyun’s random, obnoxious singing, Junhong’s suffocating hugs and Yongguk’s stupid gummy smile.

genre: gen, fanfiction: drabble, pairing: himchan/youngjae, fandom: b.a.p, genre: fluff, rating: g

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